Military Units Formed in the Indian Nation

Confederate Units

Cherokee Nation

A Guide to Cherokee Confederate Military Units, 1861 - 1865
  • 1st (Watie's) Cherokee Mounted Volunteers
  • 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles
  • 1st Regiment of Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (Holt's)
  • 1st Cherokee Battalion of Partisan Rangers
  • 1st Squadron of Cherokee Mounted Volunteers
  • 2nd Regiment of Cherokee Mounted Volunteers
  • 3rd Cherokee Regiment of Volunteer Cavalry
  • Cherokee Battalion (or Regiment), Special Service
  • Meyer's Battalion
  • Thomas' Legion; Indian Battalion
  • Adair's Regiment, Cherokee Mounted Rifles
  • Drew's Regiment, Cherokee Mounted Rifles
  • Bryan's Battalion, Cherokee Mounted Rifles
  • Faye's - Scales' Battalion, Cherokee Mounted Volunteers

  • Creek Nation

  • 1st Battalion Creek Confederate Cavalry
  • 1st Creek Infantry Regiment
  • 2nd Creek Infantry Regiment
  • 2nd Regiment of Creek Mounted Volunteers - 130 names

  • Seminole Nation

  • 1st Battalion Seminole Cavalry
  • 1st Regiment Seminole Mounted Volunteers
  • Seminole Home Guard

  • Chickasaw Nation

  • 1st Regiment of Chickasaw Infantry
  • 1st Regiment of Chickasaw Cavalry
  • 1st Battalion of Chickasaw Cavalry
  • Shecoe's Chickasaw Battalion of Mounted Volunteers

  • Choctaw Nation

  • Overview

  • 1st Choctaw & Chickasaw Mounted Rifles - 2470 names
  • 1st Regiment of Choctaw Mounted Rifles
  • 1st Battalion Choctaw Cavalry - Mc Curtain
  • 1st Choctaw Battalion Mississippi Cavalry
  • 2nd Regiment of Choctaw Cavalry - 11 names
  • 3rd Regiment of Choctaw Cavalry - 3 names
  • Deneale's Regiment of Choctaw Warriors
  • Folsom's Battalion of Choctaw Mounted Rifles
  • Capt. John Wilkin's Company of Choctaw Infantry

  • Northwest Frontier Command of Indian Territory
    (Col. Roswell W. Lee, Commanding)

  • 1st Osage Battalion
  • Major George Washington's Frontier Battalion
  • Major James W. Cooper's Battalion

  • Union Units
  • 1st Regiment, Indian Home Guards, Kansas Infantry
  • 2nd Indian Home Guard Regiment
  • 3rd Indian Home Guard Regiment
  • 4th Indian Home Guard Regiment
  • Sources:

    Most of these units were formed directly by the Confederate Government and the rosters are filed as "Confederate States Units" with the National Archives.

    For Additional Research