1st Seminole Cavalry Battalion

The 1st Seminole Cavalry Battalion completed its organization in September, 1861, and for a time served in the Department of the Indian Territory. During May, 1862, it had 380 men present for duty. Later the unit was assigned to D. H. Cooper's and Watie's Brigade, Trans-Mississippi Department. It served as scouts and raided the Federals in the Indian Territory and along the border. In September, 1864, the battalion took 130 officers and men into the fight at Cabin Creek, but few surrendered in June, 1865. OFFICERS:
Lieutenant Colonel John Jumper and Major George Cloud. ROSTER
The roster of this unit contains the names of 6 men. Other members are unknown.

Last Name First Name Rank In Rank Out Notes
Abeeka Unknown Private Private  
Abeekochee Unknown Private Private  
Ac Chee Ya Hola Corporal Corporal  
Ache huchee Harp Private Private  
Achehuchee Fixico Private Private