Maine 1st Light Artillery Battery

This organization was composed of seven batteries, serving in different commands, which were mustered into service for three years. The 1st battery was organized at Portland, Dec. 18, 1861, and mustered out there on July 1, 1865; the 2nd was organized at Augusta, Nov. 30, 1861, and mustered out at the same city on June 6, 1865; the 3d was organized at Augusta, Dec. 11, 1861, and mustered out at Augusta on June 17, 1865; the 4th was organized at Augusta, Dec. 21, 1861, and mustered out there on June 17, 1865; the 5th was organized at Augusta, Dec. 4, 1861, and mustered out at Augusta, July 6, 1865; the 6th was organized at Augusta, Feb. 7, 1862, and mustered out at the same place on June 17, 1865; the 7th was organized at Augusta, Dec. 30, 1863, and mustered out there on June 21, 1865.

As each unit saw separate service, we have a page showing the details for each unit

The 1st battery left the state for Camp Chase, Lowell, Mass., Dec. 19, 1861, and arrived at Ship island, Miss., March 10, 1862. It moved to New Orleans May 15, and did patrol and garrison duty until Oct. 1, when it became a part of Gen. Weitzel's reserve brigade at Carrollton. The battery remained in the South until Feb. 10, 1864, during which period it was in the engagements at Labadieville, Bayou Teche, Fort Bisland, siege of Port Hudson and Donaldsonville. Every man present for duty with the battery reenlisted for three years on Dec. 29, 1863, and was mustered in Jan. 1, following. The men were furloughed for 30 days in Feb. and March, 1864, and the battery was assigned to Gen. Burnside's corps in April. On July 12 it assisted in repelling Gen. Early's forces at Fort Stevens. On the 30th it was assigned to the 19th corps. Gen. Emory commanding, and joined the 1st division on Aug. 3. It remained with this division through the balance of the year, participating in the brilliant campaign of Gen. Sheridan in the Shenandoah valley. It was in the actions at Winchester, Strasburg and Cedar creek, in all of which it distinguished itself. On Nov. 9 it moved from Cedar creek to Winchester, and Jan. 14 to Manchester. On April 14 returned to Winchester and on July 9 embarked for Portland.

The 2nd battery garrisoned Fort Preble from March 10 to April 1, 1862, when it left for Washington. It participated in the action at Cross Keys, June 8, and in skirmishes at Strasburg, Woodstock, Mount Jackson, Newmarket, Harrisonburg and Port Republic. On Aug. 5, it moved from Waterloo to Culpeper Court House and engaged the enemy near there on the 8th. It was also engaged in the second Bull Run, the battle of Cedar mountain, and was in the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, losing 2 killed and 14 wounded, and 31 horses. It then encamped at Fletcher's Chapel until May 3, 1863, when it engaged in the battle of Chancellorsville, after which it took part in the Pennsylvania campaign, and in the battle of Gettysburg. In Dec, 1863, most of the men reenlisted for three years, and were given furloughs of 30 days. The battery was at Camp Barry until April 26, 1864, and was then assigned to the 9th corps. Army of the Potomac, taking part in the advance on Richmond and the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House (eight days' fighting), North Anna, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor and Petersburg. From Oct. 13, 1864, to May 3, 1865, it occupied the outer defenses of City Point, Va., when it moved to Alexandria, and on May 31 left there for Maine.

The 3rd battery remained in barracks at Island Park, Portland, until April 1, 1862, when it left for Washington. It served with Gen. McDowell as pontoniers from May 14 to Nov. 7; was then engaged in building battery "Maine" at Fort Lincoln until March 28, 1863, when it was assigned to the 1st Me. heavy artillery as Co. M, and remained in the defenses of Washington as part of that organization until it was reorganized on Feb. 22, 1864. Meanwhile, 72 of the men had reenlisted for three years, on Jan. 5, 1864, and returned home on a 30-days' furlough. The reorganized battery remained at Camp Barry, Washington, until July 5, when it moved to City Point, Va., and was assigned to the 3d division, 9th corps, then before Petersburg. It remained in the trenches before Petersburg from July 9 to Oct. 25, with three days exception, and was then in the defenses of City Point until May 3, 1865, when it went to Washington and left there for Maine on June 2.

The 4th battery remained at Portland until April 1, 1862, when it left for Washington. It was stationed in and about Washington until June 28, when it joined Gen. Sigel's command in their march up the Shenandoah valley and participated in the battle of Cedar mountain, losing 1 killed, 6 wounded and 1 missing. Later it returned to Culpeper with Gen. Banks' corps, and retreated to Washington with Gen. Pope's army. It was in the battle of Antietam, and spent the winter of 1862-63 at Shepherdstown and Harper's Ferry. After the defeat of Gen. Milroy at Winchester, it moved to Monocacy Junction, and on July 8 was assigned to the 3d corps. Gen. French commanding. It was engaged in the action at Wapping heights, Oct. 15, and at Kelly's ford, Nov. 7, and went into camp at Brandy Station on the 11th. It was engaged on Nov. 30 at Mine Run, returned to Brandy Station and remained there until March 31, 1864, where it was assigned to the artillery brigade of the 6th corps and participated in the battle of Cold Harbor. From June 17 to July 13, 1864, it was in position in front of Petersburg and was then ordered to join the 6th corps at Washington. Finding the corps advanced to Harper's Ferry, the battery returned to Petersburg, and was assigned temporarily to the 5th corps. It was in the action of July 30, losing 2 men. On Dec. 21, 1864, 21 of the original members were mustered out, but the battery remained in service until June 17, 1865.

The 5th battery left for Washington April 1, 1862. On May 19 it marched to Fredericksburg, thence to Front Royal and Cedar mountain, where it took position under a heavy artillery fire. On Aug. 20 it moved to Rappahannock Station and covered the railroad crossing. It retreated with the army on Aug. 23, participating in the engagements at Thoroughfare gap, and at Manassas, where 4 of the guns were captured after the battery was deserted by its infantry supports. The battery then refitted at Washington, rejoined its division and took part in the battle of Fredericksburg, being highly complimented there for accuracy of aim and rapidity of fire. It wintered at Fletcher's Chapel until April 28, 1863, and on May 2 suffered severely in the battle of Chancellorsville, losing 31 men killed and wounded and 40 horses killed and disabled. It was in winter quarters at Culpeper from Dec. 24, 1863, to April 15, 1864, when it was placed in the reserve corps and encamped at Rappahannock Station. It moved with the reserves to the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, and on May 17, 1864, was permanently assigned to the 6th corps. On June 2 it silenced the enemy's batteries in their front at Cold Harbor, and on the 18th moved to Petersburg, where it engaged the enemy on the 21st. Later it took part in the defensive operations of the 6th corps at Washington. On Sept. 30, at Harrisonburg, Va., one section of battery A, 1st Mass., was assigned to this battery. It was heavily engaged at the battle of Cedar creek, Oct. 19, 1864, where it lost 29 men and 31 horses ; was at Winchester, Nov. 1 ; moved to Frederick on Jan. 10, 1865; returned to Winchester on April 4, and on June 21 was ordered to Maine.

The 6th battery left for Washington March 21, 1862, and served under Gens. Sigel, Banks and Heintzelman in Virginia, and Gens. Williams and Slocum in Maryland. It was engaged at Cedar mountain, losing 13 men; took part in all the fighting on the Rappahannock under Gen. Pope, and at the battles of Centerville and Manassas lost 13 men. The battery was assigned to the 1st brigade, 2nd division, 12th corps, and remained at Dumfries, Va., from Dec, 1862, to May 27, 1863, when it was assigned to the reserve corps at Falmouth. It took a prominent part in the battle of Gettysburg and in the skirmishes of the 1st corps on the retreat from Culpeper. It was at Brandy Station from Dec. 3 to April 22, 1864. Meanwhile, more than two-thirds of the men had reenlisted for three years. The battery took part in the advance of the Army of the Potomac to Richmond, and saw much hard service during the campaign, participating in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Opequan, Fisher's hill and Cedar creek.

The 7th battery left for Washington Feb. 1, 1864, and joined the 9th corps on April 25. It joined in the advance on Richmond and was engaged in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, North Anna, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Reams' station and Poplar Spring Church. It held a position near the Taylor house, immediately in front of and 700 yards from the point where the mine was sprung on July 30, 1864, for 47 consecutive days. From Dec. 2, 1864, to April 1, 1865. it occupied Fort Sedgwick and participated in the general assault resulting in the capture of Petersburg. It returned to Washington April 20; was in the grand review. May 23, and on June 5 left for Maine.

Col., Freeman McGilvery; Lieut.-Cols., Davis Tillson, George F. Leppien, Freeman McGilvery, James A. Hall; Majs., Davis Tillson, Freeman McGilvery, James A. Hall, Albert W. Bradbury.



The composite rosters of this unit contain the names of 3157 men.

Organized at Augusta and mustered in December 1, 1861.

Organized at Augusta and mustered in November 30, 1861.

Organized at Augusta and mustered in December 11, 1861.

Organized at Augusta and mustered in December 21, 1861.

Organized at Augusta and mustered in December 4, 1861.

Organized at Augusta and mustered in January 1, 1862.

Organized at Augusta and mustered in December 30, 1863.


Dyer, Frederick H. - A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion
The Union Army by Federal Publishing Company, 1908 - Volume 1

For Additional Research