Biographical Sketches


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Here you will find biographical sketches of some of the men and women from the Civil War. We invite you to submit your sketch for inclusion here.

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Other Civil War Biographies

NOTE: P.A.C.S is the abbreviation for Provisional Army of the Confederate States.

Paxton, Elisha Franklin, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Payne, William Henry Fitzhugh, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Pegram, John, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Pendleton, William Nelson, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S. -- Chief of Artillery, ANV.
Pickett, George Edward, Major General, P.A.C.S.
Preston, John Smith, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S., Superintendent of Conscription
Preston, R. C., Brigadier General, Virginia Militia
Preston, Walter, Member of CS Congress
Preston, William Ballard, Member of CS Congress, CS Senate
Price, Bushrod W., Brigadier General, Virginia Militia
Pryor, Roger Atkinson, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S., Member of C.S. Congress
Randolph, George Wythe, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S., Secretary of War
Reynolds, Alexander Welch, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Richardson, John Harvie, Colonel, Virginia Militia
Richardson, William Harvey, The Adjutant General of Virginia
Richmond, Jonathan, Brigadier General, Virginia Militia
Rives, Alferd L., Colonel, Chief of Engineer Bureau
Rives, William C., Member of CS Congress
Robertson, Beverly Holcombe, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Rogers, Asa, Major General, Virginia Militia
Rosser, Thomas Lafeyette, Major General, P.A.C.S.
Ruggles, Daniel, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Russell, Charles W., Member of CS Congress
Scott, Robert E., Member of CS Congress
Scott, William Campbell, Brigadier General, Virginia Militia
Seddon, James C., Member of CS Congress, Secretary of War
Semmes, Raphel, Admiral, C.S. Navy
Shands, William Briggs, Brigadier General, Virginia Militia
Slaughter, James E., Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Slidell, John Confederate diplomat
Smith, William "Extra Billy", Major General, P.A.C.S., C.S. Congress, Governor
Smith, William E., Member of CS Congress
Staples, Waller R., Member of CS Congress
Starke, William E., Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Stevens, Walter Husted, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Stevenson, Carter Littlepage, Major General, P.A.C.S.
Stuart, James Ewell Brown, Major General, P.A.C.S. Another JEB Stuart Page
Taliaferro, William Booth, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Terrill, James Barbour, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Terry, William, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Terry, William Richard, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S. Congressional Biography
Thomas, George H., Major General, U.S. Army
John Randolph Tucker,Commodore, C.S. Navy
Tyler, John, Member of CS Congress (former President of the United States)
Vaughn, John C., Brigadier General, P.A.C.S. (OK, he was from Tennessee but he was born in Grayson County, Virginia)
Walker, Henry Harrison, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Walker, James Alexander, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Walker, Reuben Lindsay, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Weisiger, David Addison, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
West, Mitchell, Brigadier General, Virginia Militia
Wharton, Gabriel Colvin, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S.
Whitfield, Robert H., Member of CS Congress
Wickham, Williams Carter, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S., Member of CS Congress
Wise, Henry Alexander, Brigadier General, P.A.C.S. Congressional Biography
Wright, Robert L., Brigadier General, Virginia Militia

Other biographical sites of interest

Additional links or information would be appreciated

  1. List of United States Officers Who Joined the Confederate States Army
  2. Mabrys/Mayberrys in the Civil War
  3. West Virginia Civil War Soldiers Database
  4. Generals on the Web
    The Political Graveyard - Virginia Offices
    The Political Graveyard Main Page

For Additional Research