Virginia 36th Cavalry Battalion

Historical Notes:
The 36th Battalion, Virginia Cavalry was organized in February 1863, with four companies, later increased to five. The unit was assigned to A. G. Jenkins', W. E. Jones', B. T. Johnson's, and Payne's Brigade. It had a force of 125 men at Gettysburg, moved to Western Virginia, and then took part in operations in East Tennessee. The 36th was with McCausland at Chambersburg, served with Early in the Shenandoah Valley, and was active around Appomattox. After cutting through the lines at Appomattox, it disbanded.

It had a force of 125 men at Gettysburg, and was involved in the Battle of Sporting Hill. A.G. Jenkins Brigade was within miles of the state capital at Sporting Hill, which, according to local legend, was named for its good hunting and abundant rabbits, ducks and waterfowl. An advance detachment of the 16th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, was at the McCormick Barn, of which remnants still stand today. Then, when the New York State Militia approached, the 36th, along with a portion of the 16th, crossed the road at Gleim's Farm, where a Denny's is now. This was an attempt to flanks the Federals, but failed when Co. A & C of the 22nd NYSM charged into the woods, and broke its advance. The rest of the battle played out without much more action for the 36th, save receiving artillery fire. C.H. Earlier in the Campaign, at the Battle of Opequon Creek, near Winchester on June 13, 1863, Major James W. Sweeny was wounded, Capt. Cornelious Thomas of Co. A taking command. "C.H." It then moved to Western Virginia, then took part in operations in East Tennessee. The 36th was with McCausland at Chambersburg, served with Early in the Shenandoah Valley, and was active around Appomattox. After cutting through the lines at Appomattox, it disbanded. Major James W. Sweeney was in command.
Major James W. Sweeney Assignments:
Assigned to A. G. Jenkins', W. E. Jones', B. T. Johnson's, and Payne's Brigade. Battles:
Sporting Hill
Valley Campaigns of 1864
Appomattox Campaign
Battle of Five Forks
The roster of this unit contains the names of 529 men.

Company A (Captain Cornelius Timothy smith)
Company B (Captain Clinton Dufield, Captain Lambert Baynes) - Braxton County
Company C (Captain Morris Kirtley) - Cabell and Putnam County
Company D (Captains John B. Lady and William M. Miller) - near Charleston and Lewis County
Company E ( Captains Edwin G. Zane and James B. Morgan) (formerly Company F, 14th Virginia Cavalry)
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research