Virginia 27th Infantry Regiment

Historical Notes:
The 27th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment comprised only eight companies. It was organized in May, 1861, and accepted into Confederate service in July. The men were from the counties of Alleghany, Rockbridge, Monroe, Greenbrier, and Ohio. During the war it served under the command of General T.J. Jackson, R.B. Garnett, Winder, Paxton, J.A. Walker, and W. Terry. The 27th fought mostly with the Stonewall Brigade of the Army of Northern Virginia. Officers:
Command of General T.J. Jackson, R.B. Garnett, Winder, Paxton, J.A. Walker, and W. Terry. Battles:
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1801 men.

Company A Light Infantry (Alleghany Roughs) - Alleghany County - Converted to Artillery in 1862. Known as the Alleghany Artillery and Carpenter's Battery
Company B (Virginia Hibernians)- Alleghany County
Company C (Alleghany Rifles) - Alleghany County
Company D (Monroe Guards) - Monroe County
Company E (Greenbrier Rifles also Lewisburg Rifles)- Rockbridge County
Company F ( Greenbrier Sharp Shooters)- Greenbrier County.
Company G (Shriver Greys) - Wheeling, Ohio County now West Virginia
Company H (1st) (Old Dominion Grays) - disbanded in June 1861
Company H (2nd) (Rockbridge Rifles) - Rockbridge County.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research