Chew's Battery, Virginia Horse Artillery

Historical Notes:
This battery was also known as Carter's Company Horse Artillery.

Raised to support Turner Ashby's 7th Virginia Cavalry, the Ashby Battery was attached to Captain John Pelham's Stuart Horse Artillery Battalion in September 1862 and remained in the organization until the end of the war. Chew became the commander of the entire battalion in 1865.

Formed by special order of the Confederate Government on November 11, 1861 at Flowing Spring, VA., the battery was commanded from the start by Captain Chew, a native of Loudoun County who grew up in Charlestown, Va. It was armed at the beginning with a 3-inch Ordnance Rifle, a 12-pounder bronze smoothbore howitzer and an imported 3.1 inch Blakely Rifle.

"I was all through the Mexican war and in this one from its commencement up to the present time, and I never saw a battery fire so accurately and effectively as that one did on that hill today."

- Union General Pleasonton's Chief of Artillery regarding Chew's Battery at the battle of Brandy Station, as related by George Neese in a letter to Chew after the war.
Roger P. Chew (1862), James W. Thomson (1863-1864), and John W. Carter (1865) Assignments:
The roster of this unit contains the names of 302 men. REFERENCES: Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research