Virginia 60th Infantry Regiment

Historical Notes:
The 60th Virginia Infantry, orginally known as the 3rd Regiment Infantry, Wise Legion, was formed on August 13, 1861, with 10 companies lettered A to K. An 11th company was added in September, but the regiment was again reduced to 10 companies when the original Company H was transferred to the 59th Virginia Infantry on November 5, 1861. Officers:
The 60th Virginia Infantry was originally commanded by Colonel William E. Starke. Other field officers included: James L. Corley (Lieutenant Colonel), William A. Gilliam (Lieutenat Colonel), George W. Hammond (Major, Lieutenant Colonel), Beuhring H. Jones (Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel), William S. Rowan (Major), James W. Spalding (Lieutenant Colonel), John C. Summers (Major, Lieutenant Colonel), James W. Sweeney (Major, Lieutenant Colonel), Jacob N. Taylor (Major). Assignments:
The 60th Virginia Infantry served in the Army of Northern Virginia in June and July 1862, and as such participated in the Seven Days Battles around Richmond and specifically at Gaines' Mill on June 27, 1862. Reassigned to the Department of Western Virginia and East Tennessee, served in the mountains from the fall of 1862 until the spring of 1864 as part of John McCausland's Brigade. From the spring of 1864 until the end of the war, the regiment served in the Shenandoah Valley as part of Smith's Brigade, Wharton's Division, under General Jubal Anderson Early. Battles:
  • Cloyd's Mountain
  • Piedmont
  • Monocacy
  • Winchester
  • Fisher's Hill
  • Cedar Creek
  • Waynesboro
  • Rosters:
    The roster of this unit contains the names of 2820 men.

  • Company A - Beirne Sharpshooters
  • Company B - Greenbrier Mountain Rifles
  • Company C - Dixie Rifles
  • Company D - Alleghany Rifles
  • Company E - Bruce Rifles
  • Company F - James River Rifles
  • Company G - Roane Rangers
  • Company H1 - Richmond Light Guard
  • Company H2 - Captain John A. Pack's
  • Company
  • Company I - Captain White G. Ryan's
  • Company
  • Company K - Osceola Guards.
  • Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research