Virginia 16th Cavalry Regiment

Historical Notes:
The Virginia 16th Cavalry Regiment was formed at Camp Zirkle, near Salem , Virginia , on 15 January, 1863, by consolidating six companies of Ferguson's (167th) Militia Battalion with four companies of Otis Caldwell's (188th Militia) Battalion. The unit was assigned to Jenkins' and MacCausland's Brigade and fought in western Virginia, including the conflict at Droop Mountain. Later it saw action at Gettysburg and other points in Pennsylvania.

Returning to western Virginia, the 16th participated in various engagements in the Shenandoah Valley.

This regiment had 265 men in action at Gettysburg, and during February, 1864, there were 163 present for duty. It disbanded in April 1865.

Colonel Milton J. Ferguson,
Lieutenant Colonel William L. Graham,
Major James H. Nounnan.
Jan '63~ May '63~ Cavalry~ ~ ~ Dept of Western Virginia
May '63~ Aug '63~ Jenkins'~ Cavalry~ ~ Army of Northern Virginia
Aug '63~ Nov '63~ Jenkins'~ Ransom's~ ~ Dept of Western Virginia and East Tennessee
Nov '63~ Dec '63~ Jenkins'~ Ransom's~ ~ Dept of East Tennessee
Dec '63~ Jun '64~ Jenkins'/McCausland's~ ~ ~ Dept of Western Virginia and East Tennessee
Jun '64~ Jan '65~ McCausland's~ Ransom's/Lomax's~ Valley District~ Dept of Northern Virginia
Mar '65~ Apr '65~ McCausland's~ Rosser's~ Cavalry~ Army of Northern Virginia~~
Droop Mountain
Early’s Shenandoah Campaign
Frederick County, Maryland 7th July 1864
Monocacy Junction 9th July 1864.
Moorfield, Va. 7th Aug. 1864.
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1345 men.

Company A originally Stevenson's Company,
Company B was originally Gent's Company in Caldwell's Battalion, organized 7 August 1862.
Company C was initially organized 7 August 1862 as Hankins' Company in Caldwell's Battalion. This company was composed mostly of men from Tazewell County.
Company D was formerly Morris' Company, Ferguson's Battalion.
Company E initially, Spurlock's Company, Ferguson's Battalion, "Company E was primarily composed of men from Wayne County, (West) Virginia.
Company F originally, was Taylor's Company, Caldwell's Battalion, Company F is comprised mostly of men from Tazewell County.
Company G formerly Parks' Company, Ferguson's Battalion Most of the men were from Wane County.
Company H was Milton J. Ferguson's original company in Ferguson's Battalion. Most of the men in the company were from Wayne County.
Company I was formerly Graham's Company in Caldwell's Battalion. Most of the men in this company were from Tazewell County.
Company K was originally known as Nounnan's Company, Ferguson's Battalion. The company was composed of men from at least eight or ten different counties, according to 16TH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, by Jack Dickinson. Men had been transfered from various companies into Companies I and K in order to meet the requisite number of men in each company.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research