5th Battalion, Tennessee Cavalry (McClellan's)

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 5th Cavalry Battalion [also called 1st or 4th Battalion] was organized at Knoxville, Tennessee, in May, 1862, with six companies. The unit served under General Zollicoffer in the Department of East Tennessee and during September had 540 effectives. It skirmished in Kentucky, returned to Tennessee, and in May, 1862, merged into the 2nd (Ashby's) Tennessee Cavalry Regiment. Officers:
Lieutenant Colonel George R. McClellan and Major Thomas J. Campbell. Assignments:
Served under General Zollicoffer in the Department of East Tennessee
Skirmished in Kentucky and East Tennessee
The roster of this unit contains the names of 681 men.

S. W. Eldredge, Co. "A". "The Lancers." Organized August 10, 1861 at Cleveland, Bradley County. Men mostly from Bradley County with some from Polk County. Became Company "A", 2nd Regiment.
C. C. Spiller, Co. "B". Organized August 11, 1861 at Chattanooga. Men mostly from Hamilton County with some from North Alabama. Later served in Spiller's Battalion; then as Company "I", 4th (Murray's) Regiment; finally as Company "H", 8th,-usually called 4th- (Baxter Smith's) Cavalry Regiment.
Henry C. Gillespie, Co. "C". Organized August 12, 1861 at Camp Cummings, near Knoxville. Men from Knox, Union, and Claiborne Counties. Became Company "B", 2nd Regiment.
Henry C. Legg, Co. "D". Organized August 12, 1861 at Knoxville. Men from Hawkins and Hancock Counties. Became Company "C", 2nd Regiment.
William C. Holland, Co. "E". Organized August 13, 1861 at Knoxville. Men from Blount County. Became Company "K", 2nd Regiment.
David McClellan, Co. "F". "The McClellan Troop". Organized August 14, 1861 at Knoxville. Men from Sullivan County. Became Company "C", 4th (Murray's) Regiment; later Company "B", 4th or 8th, (Baxter Smith's) Regiment.
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