4th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry

Historical Notes:
The troops of this command did not assume a regimental form till just before the battle of Murfreesboro, in 1862. It was made up of different detachments which had been in the service from the beginning of the war. The regiment served with the Army of Tennessee throughout the war, and participated in all the marches and battles in which that army was engaged, and surrendered with it at Charlotte, N.C., in May, 1865. Rosters:
The roster of this unit contains the names of 577 men.

Company A - Captain David W. Alexander - Men from Marshall County.
Company B - Captain C.H. Ingles - Men from Sevier County and Knox County.
Company C - Captain Geo. Moore - Men from Wilson County and DeKalb County.
Company D - Lieut. Robt. Bone - Men from Wilson County and DeKalb County.
Company E - Captain H.E. Wyly - Men from Cannon County.
Company F - Captain Jas. R. Lester - Men from Wilson County and DeKalb County.
Company G - Captain J.W. Nichol - Men from Rutherford County and Cannon County.
Company H - Captain Samuel H. Glover - Men from Hamilton County and North Alabama.
Company I - Captain Robt. Bledsoe - Men from Fentress County.
Company K - Captain James H. Britton - Men from Wilson County and DeKalb County
Company L - Captain J.J. Parton - Men from Sevier County and Knox County.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research