8th Regiment, Tennessee Mounted Infantry (Union)

Historical Notes:
The 8th Regiment, Tennessee Mounted Infantry was organized at Nashville and Carthage, Tenn., November, 1864. Officers:
  • Lieutenant Colonel-William J. Cleveland.
  • Major-Charles C. Shoyer.
  • Assignments:
    Attached to District of Middle Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to February, 1865. 4th Sub-District, District of Middle Tennessee, to August, 1865. Battles:
    Duty at Nashville and Carthage, Tenn., till June, 1865. At Clifton and Savannah, Tenn., and in District of Middle Tennessee till August. Mustered out August 17, 1865. Rosters:
    The roster of this unit contains the names of 1726 men.

  • Goldman G. Meador, Co. "A". Enrolled at Carthage, November to January; men from Macon and neighboring counties; mustered out August 17, 1865.
  • William S. Long, Co. "B". Enrolled at Carthage. Men from Jackson and neighboring counties. Mustered out August 17, 1865.
  • James B. Terry, Co. "C". Enrolled at Carthage, with men from state at large; mustered out August 17, 1865.
  • Richard B. Freeman, Co. "D". Enrolled at Carthage, with men from state at large, mainly Smith, Jackson and Macon Counties. Mustered out August 17, 1865.
  • Charles W. Shipman, Co. "E". Enrolled at Clifton in March and April, with men from various West Tennessee Counties, mainly Hardin and Wayne. Mustered out September 1, 1865.
  • Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research