4th Regiment, Tennessee Mounted Infantry (Union)

Historical Notes:
The 4th Regiment, Tennessee Mounted Infantry was organized at large in Tennessee September 1, 1864. Stationed at Alexandria, Tenn., operating against guerrillas. Four companies at La Fayette, Tenn., 4th Sub-District, Middle Tennessee, April, 1865. Action at Wall's Hill September 28, 1864. Polk County November 23, 1864. Operating against guerrillas in White, Overton, Fentress and Montgomery Counties and quieting country till August, 1865. Mustered out August 25, 1865. Officers:
Stationed at Alexandria, Tenn. Battles:
  • Action at Wall's Hill September 28, 1864.
  • Polk County November 23, 1864.
  • Operating against guerrillas in White, Overton, Fentress and Montgomery Counties.
  • Rosters:
    The roster of this unit contains the names of 1554 men.

  • Company A - Men mostly from Bedford County.
  • Company B - Men from various West Tennessee Counties.
  • Company C - Men from Bedford and Rutherford Counties.
  • Company D -
  • Company E - Men from DeKalb County.
  • Company F - Men from DeKalb County.
  • Company G - Men from Wilson, DeKalb and Smith Counties.
  • Company H - Men mostly from Wilson County
  • Company I - Men from Bedford and Giles Counties.
  • Company K - Men from Smith, DeKalb, and Overton Counties.
  • Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research