Marshall's Company, Tennessee Artillery

Historical Notes:
Jackson's-Carnes'-Marshall's Battery [also called The Steuben Artillery] was mustered into Confederate service at New Madrid, Missouri, in August, 1861. The unit moved to Mississippi, then Kentucky where it was involved in the conflict at Perryville. Later it was assigned to R.Cobb's, J.Palmer's, and J.W.Johnston's Battalion of Artillery, Army of Tennessee. The battery participated in the campaigns of the army from Murfreesboro to Atlanta, moved with Hood into Tennessee, but was left as garrison at Columbia. Later it was refitted in Mississippi, reached Salisbury, North Carolina, on April 3, 1865, and was captured there ten days later. In May 1863, it contained 79 effectives, lost 7 killed, 16 wounded, and 17 captured at Chickamauga, and totalled 60 men in December, 1863, and 83 in April, 1864. Officers:
  • Captains William W. Carnes, William H. Jackson, and L.G. Marshall.
  • Assignments:
  • Assigned to R.Cobb's, J.Palmer's, and J.W.Johnston's Battalion of Artillery, Army of Tennessee.
  • Battles:
  • Perryville
  • Murfreesboro
  • Chickamauga
  • The Atlanta Campaign
  • Franklin
  • Nashville
  • Rosters:
    The roster of this unit contains the names of 446 men.

    Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research