Crew's Battalion, Tennessee Infantry

Historical Notes:
Crew's Tennessee Infantry Battalion was organized early 1862; after Shiloh consolidated into one company which became Company ‘F”, 9th (also called 5th) Kentucky Infantry Regiment, transferred to 23rd (Newman’s) Tennessee Infantry Battalion as Company “B”, November, 1862. James M. Crews was authorized to raise a regiment of infantry to be called the 58th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, but failed to secure enough companies to make up a regiment, the organization having been attempted at Savannah, Hardin County, in January, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel Crews’ service record shows the date of his election February 10, 1862. There are no muster rolls of the organization on file; this roster is derived from personal papers.

  • Lieutenant Colonel-James M. Crews
  • Major-J. A. Evans
  • Rosters:
    The roster of this unit contains the names of 51 men. We do not have a copy of this roster.

    Bibliography for Research:

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