Barry's Company, Tennessee Light Artillery

Historical Notes:
Lookout Light Artillery completed its organization at Chattanooga, Tennessee, in May, 1862. For a time it served in the Chattanooga area, then was stationed at Canton, Mississippi, and later at Demopolis, Alabama. During the spring of 1864 the unit joined the Army of Tennessee, fought in the Atlanta Campaign, and in September was ordered to turn over its equipment to Captain P. Darden of the Jefferson Mississippi Light Artillery. It then reported to General M.J. Wright at Macon, Georgia. During March, 1865, the unit was at Mobile and was included in the surrender on May 4. Officers:
Captain Robert A. Barry was in command. Assignments:
Canton, Mississippi
Atlanta Campaign
Mobile, Alabama
Atlanta Campaign
Mobile, Alabama
The roster of this unit contains the names of 313 men.

Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research