48th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry (Nixon's)

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 48th (Nixon's) Infantry Regiment was organized at Corinth, Mississippi, in April, 1862. It was formed with remnants of the 48th (Voorhies') and 54th Tennessee Regiments, plus a few additions from other units. It moved to Knoxville, fought at Richmond and Perryville, then remained in the Shelbyville and Estill Springs area for a time. During December, 1862, the four companies from Voorhies' Regiment transferred to their original organization. Attached to General L.E. Polk's Brigade, the remaining six companies were engaged at Chickamauga and from September, 1863, to April, 1864, were consolidated with the 35th Regiment. On July 31, 1864, Polk's Brigade was broken up and the men from Nixon's 48th Regiment merged into Voorhies' 48th Regiment. This unit lost nineteen percent of the 312 engaged at Richmond and fifty percent of the 155 at Chickamauga. In December, 1863, the 35th/48th (Nixon's) totalled 251 men and 207 arms. Officers:
Colonel-George H. Nixon. Lieutenant Colonel-T. R. Hughs. Major-Joseph T. Younger. Assignments:
Major General W. J. Hardee's Corps, Brigadier General Patrick R. Cleburne's Brigade
General L.E. Polk's Brigade
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1298 men.

Company A - Captain O.T. Plummer - Most men from Comapnies "B" and "D" of Voorhies' Regiment.
Company B - Captain W.C. Blanton - Most men from Captain Sowell's Company, Voorhies' Regiment.
Company C - Captain Carlos C. Harris - Most men from Voorhies' Regiment.
Company D - Captain John L. Griffin - Most men from Voorhies' Regiment.
Company E - Captains McKinney Dooley, James C. Cooper - Formerly Dooley's company, 54th Tennessee Infantry Regiment.
Company F - Captains T.R. Hughs (to lieutenant colonel), E.J. Benham - Most men from Companies "A" and "H", 54th Regiment. Few from 53rd Regiment.
Company G - Captain Lewis Miller - Formerly Co. "B", 54th Regiment.
Company H - Captains James N. Curry, Newton A. Carrell - formerly Co. "C", 54th Regiment.
Company I - Captains John D. Ives, Henry G. Evans - Formerly Ives' Company, 54th Regiment.
Company K - Captains James M. White, Jerimiah B. Lindsey - Consolidation of "E" and "C", 54th Regiment.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research