46th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 46th Infantry Regiment completed its organization at Paris, Tennessee, in November, 1861, and went into camp at Union City during December. Later it moved to Island No. 10 where many of its members suffered from an outbreak of measles. In March, 1862, it reported 374 present for duty, but only 160 were armed. Then on April 8, nine of the ten companies were captured. After being exchanged and reorganized, the unit was assigned to S.B. Maxey's and later Quarles' Brigade. During January, 1863, it was consolidated with the 55th (Brown's) Regiment. The 46th went to Port Hudson and to Jackson, then was stationed at Mobile until November, 1863. It now joined the Army of Tennessee, fought in the Atlanta Campaign, was with Hood in Tennessee, and ended the war in North Carolina. The 46th/55th contained 270 men and 230 arms in December, 1863, and lost sixty percent of the 250 engaged at Lickskillet Road on July 28, 1864. It was reported that Companies D and E entered the Atlanta Campaign with 72 men but after the Battle of Nashville had only 1 officer and 2 men. The regiment was included in the surrender on April 26, 1865. Officers:
Colonels-John M. Clark, Jonathan S. Dawson, Robert A. Owens.
Lieutenant Colonels-J. William Johnson, Robert A. Owens, Joseph D. Wilson.
Majors-James S. Brown, Joseph D. Wilson, S. C. Cooper.
Surgeon, S. H. Caldwell
Assistant Surgeon, E. T. Taliaferro
Commissary, S. J. Boy
Quartermaster, B. F. Ridgeway
Adjutant, J. S. Dawson.
Major General John P. MCCown's command
Assigned to S.B. Maxey's and later Quarles' Brigade.
Island No. 10
The Atlanta Campaign
The Carolinas Campaign
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1405 men.

All of these companies were evidently formed in Henry County, Tennessee.

• James W. Weldon, Joseph D. Wilson (to major), E. A. C. McGehee, Co. "A". Consolidated with "F", October 24, 1863.
• John A. Allen, W. G. Randle, Co. "B". Consolidated with "D", "G", and "I" October 24, 1863.
• John W. Harris, S. W. Cochran, Co. "C".
This company was on detached service when the regiment was captured at Island Number 10, and served as 2nd Co. "L" of the 5th Tennessee Infantry Regiment until the fall of 1862.
• Sylvester C. Cooper (to major), Pleasant M. Hope, Co. "D". Consolidated with "G" and "I" October 24, 1863. William A. Tharpe, Co. "E". Consolidated with "H" and "K" October 24, 1863.
• John C. Poyner, W. T. Sims, Co. "F". Consolidated with "A" October 24, 1863.
• William B. Vancleave, Peyton H. Randle, Co "G". Consolidated with "B", "D", and "I" October 24, 1863.
• J. M. Hanna, W. D. Haynes, Co. "H". Consolidated with "E" and "K" October 24, 1863.
• Robert A. Owens (to lieutenant colonel), Co. 'T'. Consolidated with "B", "D", and "G" October 24, 1863.
• John D. Paschall, Co. "K". Consolidated with "E", and "H" October 24, 1863.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research