32nd Regiment, Tennessee Infantry

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 32nd Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Trousdale, Sumner County, Tennessee, in October, 1861, and during November reported 850 men present. Men of this unit were raised in Lincoln, Marshall, Giles, Lawrence, Williamson, and Franklin counties. It moved to Fort Donelson where it had 3 killed, 36 wounded, and 528 captured in February, 1862. After being exchanged, it was assigned to J.C. Brown's, Brown's and Reynolds' Consolidated, and Palmer's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. The 32nd took an active part in the difficult campaigns of the army from Chickamauga to Atlanta , returned to Tennessee with Hood, and was active in North Carolina. During the Battle of Murfreesboro it was on detached duty at Wartrace guarding railroad bridges. The regiment lost forty-six percent of the 361 engaged at Chickamauga, totalled 321 men and 242 arms in December, 1863, and mustered only 12 effectives on December 21, 1864. It was included in the surrender on April 26, 1865. Officers:
Edmund C. Cook
John P. McGuire
Lieutenant Colonels:
W.P. Moore
William P. O'Neal
William W.J. Broawnlow
Caloway G. Tucker.

Of the field officers, Colonel Cook died June 23, 1864; Lieutenant Colonel Moore was killed at Fort Donelson; and Major Brownlow resigned March 31, 1863.
Assigned to J.C. Brown's, Brown's and Reynolds' Consolidated, and Palmer's Brigade, Army of Tennessee.
Ft. Donelson
Missionary Ridge
The Atlanta Campaign
The Carolinas Campaign
The roster of this unit contains the names of 2017 men.

Calaway G. Tucker, Co. "A", formerly "C". "The Swan Creek Guards." Men from Lincoln and Marshall Counties.
John M. Winstead, Field Arrowsmith, Co. "B" formerly "G". Men from Giles County.
William P. Moore, Thomas D. Deavenport, Co. "C", formerly "D". "The Allen Guards." Men from Lawrence County.
Edmond C. Cook, Jacob H. Morton, Robert F. McCaul, Co. "D", formerly "H". Men from Williamson County.
Hiram T. Hunnicutt, Jacob M. Bass, Co. "E", formerly "B". Men from Pulaski, Giles County.
Willis Worley, Joseph Young, Co. "F", formerly "A". Men from Giles County.
William P. O'Neal, Fountain P. Wade, Robert F. Hall, Co. "G", formerly "I". Men from Belfast, Marshall County.
Thomas Hanna, John L. Browulow, James F. Fogg, Co. "H", formerly "K". Men from Giles County.
James J. Finney, William A. Sumners, Co. "I", formerly "E". "The Millville Men." Men from Lincoln County.
Elijah H. Ikard, John D. Clarke, Co. "K", formerly "F". Men from Decherd, Franklin County.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research