29th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 29th Infantry Regiment was assembled at Henderson's Mills, Greene County, Tennessee, in September, 1861. They took part in the conflicts at Fishing Creek, Munfordville, and Perryville, then was placed in P.Smith's, Vaughan's, and Palmer's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. During September, 1864, it was consolidated with the 11th Regiment. It participated in the various campaigns of the army from Murfreesboro to Atlanta, was involved in Hood's winter operations in Tennessee, and fought in North Carolina. In January, 1862, the regiment reported 493 present for duty, sustained 29 casualties at Fishing Creek, and lost fifty-one percent of the 220 at Murfreesboro. It had 71 disabled at Chickamauga and in December, 1863, totalled 236 men and 173 arms. Only a remnant surrendered in April, 1865. Officers:
Colonels-Samuel Powell, Horace Rice, William P. Bishop.
Lieutenant Colonels-Reuben Arnold, Horace Rice, John B. Johnson, William P. Bishop.
Majors-Horace Rice, John B. Johnson, A. Kyle Blevins, Samuel L. McKamy.
P.Smith's, Vaughan's, and Palmer's Brigade Battles:
Fishing Creek
skirmished around Corinth
Kentucky campaign
Missionary Ridge
Rocky Face Ridge
Kennesaw Mountain
Peach Tree Creek
Battles about Atlanta
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1921 men.

◾Company A - Captains W.W. McClelland, Samuel L. McKamy - Bradley County.
◾Company B - Captains M.H. Hancock, William A. Bible, Alpphonse Chable, Richard M. O'Neal - Polk County.
◾Company C - Captains Robert F. Patterson, James W. Fulkerson, John B. Hodges - Claiborne County.
◾Company D - Captains James G. Rose, William P. Bishop - Hancock County.
◾Company E - Captains Abraham Kyle Blevins, L.N. Kyle - Hawkins County.
◾Company F - Captains John Q. Arnold, James B. Johnson - "The Greeneville Guards." Greene County.
◾Company G - Captains George P. Faw, Isaac E. Reeves - Washington County.
◾Company H -- Captains James H. Coulter, Thomas S. Rumbough, James W. Henshaw - Greene County.
◾Company I - Captains William Fry, John H. Craig, J.D. Bushlong - Washington County.
◾Company K - Captains Samuel Powel, Jacob Hamilton, George A. Edmonds, Jerome N. Martin - Hawkins County.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research