22nd Regiment, Tennessee Infantry

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 22nd Infantry Regiment completed its organization at Camp Trenton, Tennessee, in August, 1861. Men of this unit were recruited in Memphis and Hardeman, Carroll, Gibson, and Dyer counties. It served in Cheatham's, R.M. Russell's, and B.R. Johnson's Brigade, and saw action in the conflicts at Belmont and Shiloh . On June 16, 1862, it merged into the 12th Regiment. Officers:
Thomas J.Freeman,
Lieutenant Colonels
Francis Stewart
Francis Stewart,
Benjamin Davis
After consolidation with 12th Infantry:
Tyree H. Bell
Lieutenant Colonels:
L. P. McMurry (from the 22nd)
D. A. Outlaw
J. N. Wyatt
B.R. Johnson's, P.Smith's, Vaughan's, and Palmer's Brigade
Russell's Brigade, of Brigadier General Gideon J. Pillow's Division
Brigadier General Bushrod R. Johnson's Brigade,
General Thomas C. Hindman's Division of Longstreet's Corps
The Atlanta Campaign
The Carolina’s Campaign
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1367 men.

All the companies changed letters when mustered into Confederate service. In the list below the letters used in Confederate service are shown, with prior letters indicated.
W. D. Benthell, James Purl, Company A, formerly H. The Attakapas Rifles. Organized July 1,1861. Became Company C, 12th Consolidated. Men from Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee.
Robert Wood, C. M. Wellons, Company B, formerly E. The Hatchie Hunters. Organized July 15,1861 at Camp Trenton, Gibson County, Tennessee, became part of Company H, 12th Consolidated. Men from Hardeman County, Tennessee. The muster in roll for this company reads 26th Tennessee Infantry Regiment.
James Richardson, Company C, formerly G, also called I. Organized July 18,1861 at Camp Trenton, became part of Company H, 12th Consolidated. Men from Hardeman County, Tennessee.
W. A. Marshall, Company D, formerly A, also called G. Organized July 14,1861 at Camp Trenton. Men from Carroll County, Tennessee.
B. D. Shofner, John Fields, Company E, formerly B, Organized July 22,1861 at Camp Trenton. Became part of Company G, 12th Consolidated. Men from Carroll County, Tennessee.
Clay Horne, Company F, formerly F. The Kentucky Braves. Organized July 2,1861 at Camp Trenton. Became Company M,3rd Kentucky Infantry. Men from Kentucky.
A.P. Hall, G. W. Parkinson, John Bell, Company G, formerly C. The Carroll Invincibles. Organized June 25,1861 at McLemoresville, Tennessee. Became part of Company G,12th Consolidated.
L. P. McMurry, Benjamin Davis, Thomas Williams, Company H, formerly I. Organized June 19,1861 at Trenton. Became part of Company D,12th Consolidated. Men from Gibson County, Tennessee.
William Dawson, Company I, formerly D. The Bell Grays. Organized July 22,1861 at Camp Trenton. Became part of Company F. 12th Consolidated. Men from Dyer County, Tennessee.
Louis Williams, Company K. The Newbern Blues. Organized December 7,1861 at Newbern, Dyer County, Tennessee. Became part of Company D,12th Consolidated. Men from Dyer County.
In addition Captain Robert Looney's Company was assigned to the 22nd Regiment on August 18, 1861, but was soon transferred to the 38th Tennessee Infantry Regiment of which Captain Looney became colonel.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research