22nd Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry (Barteau's)

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 22nd (Barteau's) Cavalry Regiment, originally and often called 2nd Regiment, was organized in June, 1862, by consolidating the 1st Cavalry Battalion (McNairy's) and the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Battalion (Bennett's). It was assigned to Ferguson's and T.H. Bell's Brigade and for the most part served in Northern Mississippi. The unit was active at Iuka, Corinth, Brice's Cross Roads, Fort Pillow, and Harrisburg. Later it moved with Hood back to Tennessee and in February, 1865, was consolidated with Wilson's 21st Cavalry Regiment. This command totaled 31 officers and 317 men in May and surrendered with the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana. Officers:
Clark R. Barteau
George H. Morton
O.B. Farris
William Parrish
Ferguson's and T. H. Bell's Brigade
Organized June, 1862; reorganized June, 1863; reorganized May 10, 1864; consolidated February, 1865 with 21st (Wilson's) and paroled May, 1865 as 21st and 22nd Consolidated Regiment.
Brice's Cross Roads
Fort Pillow
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1702 men.

The Tennessee 1st Cavalry Battalion (Mc-Nairy’s) was raised in Davidson, Williamson, Cannon, Wilson, DeKalb, and Rutherford counties.
The Tennessee 7th Cavalry Battalion was raised in Sumner and Smith counties.
Nicholas Oswell, Co. "A". A consolidation of "A" and "B", McNairy's Battalion.
William Parrish (to major), Thomas B. Underwood, Co. "B". A consolidation of "C" and "D", McNairy's Battalion.
Moses W. McKnight, Co. "C". Formerly Co. "E", McNairy's Battalion.
W. T. Rickman, Co. "D". A consolidation of "A" and "C", 7th Battalion.
Christopher L. Bennett, William A. DeBow, Co. "E". Formerly Co. "B", 7th Battalion.
Micajah Griffin, John A. Brinkley, Co. "F". Formerly "D", 7th Battalion.
Thomas Puryear, Jonathan M. Eastes, Co. "G". A consolidation of "E" and "F", 7th Battalion.

These were the original seven companies.

A. J. Guttery, 1st Co. "H". An Alabama company assigned June 6, 1863, and assigned to 56th Alabama Cavalry as Co. "L". No muster rolls of this regiment were found for Carpenter's and Morphis's companies. Morphis's Company served as 2nd Co. "I", 15th (Stewart's) Tennessee Cavalry (1st organization), and later in the 3rd (Forrest's Old) Regiment.

The companies assigned in May, 1864 by General Buford were:
B. Edwards, 2nd Co. "H". Men from Gibson, Obion and Weakley Counties.
Samuel H. Reeves, Co. "I". Organized December 1, 1863 at Newbern, Dyer County of men from Gibson and Obion County.
Oliver B. Farris, Co. "K". Organized December 1, 1863 at Newbern, Dyer County of men from Obion County.
Barteau served as lieutenant colonel until June, 1863, when he was appointed colonel. Parrish resigned in April, 1864, and Captain B. Farris succeeded him as major.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research