Capt. Gregg's Co. Artillery (McQueen Light Artillery)

Historical Notes:
The South Carolina 18th Heavy Artillery Battalion, often called the South Carolina Siege Train Artillery Battalion, was organized during the spring of 1862 with three companies at Charleston Harbor. It was assigned to the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and fought at Fort Sumter, Grimball's Landing, Battery Wagner, James Island, and John's Island. In June of 1864, Company C (McQueen's Light Artillery), commanded by Captain Thomas E. Gregg, was transferred to Pegram's Battalion of Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia, and served in the Petersburg Campaign. Gregg's Battery fought at the Petersburg Seige, Fort Harrision, Squirrel Level Road, Jones Farm, Pegram's Farm, Harmon Road, Five Forks, and the Breakthrough Battle on April 2, 1865. Gregg's Battery surrended at Appomattox on April 9, 1865. Officers:
  • Captain Thomas E. Gregg
  • Assignments:
  • Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida
  • Army of Northern Virginia
  • Battles:
    Charleston Harbor (AUG - SEP 1863)
    Petersburg Siege VA (JUN 1864 - APR 1865)
    2nd Fort Harrison VA (30 SEP 1864)
    First Squirrel Level Road VA (30 SEP 1864)
    Jones Farm VA (30 SEP 1864)
    First Pegram's Farm VA (1 OCT 1864)
    Harman Road VA (2 OCT 1864)
    Five Forks VA (1 APR 1865)
    Petersburg Final Assault VA (2 APR 1865)
    Appomattox Court House VA (9 APR 1865)
    The roster of this unit contains the names of 186 men.

    Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research