South Carolina 17th (6th) Cavalry Battalion

Historical Notes:
The SC 17th Cavalry Battalion [also called 6th Battalion] was assembled during the spring of 1862.

Following the disbanding of the 1st SC Mounted Militia, Jeffords' Co. (the South Carolina Rangers) entered Confederate service with two new companies from Charleston (the Dixie Rangers and Willington Rangers) as Jeffords' Squadron SC Cavalry. The Beech Hill Rangers joined the squadron in April 1862, and Jeffords' Squadron subsequently became the 6th (later, 17th) Battalion SC Cavalry. These companies ultimately became B, C, D, and G of the 5th SC Cavalry.

The 17th was attached to the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. After serving along the coast near Charleston, the unit merged into the 5th South Carolina Cavalry Regiment.
Maj. Robert J. Jeffords
Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Battles:
Hutchinson's Island (JUN 1862)
Expedition to Fenwick's Island (9 JUL 1862)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 600 men.

  • A Company - (also known as South Carolina Rangers)
  • B Company - (also known as Willington Rangers)
  • C Company - (also known as Dixie Rangers)
  • D Company - (also known as Beech Hill Rangers)
  • E Company -
  • Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research