South Carolina 14th Cavalry Battalion

Historical Notes:
The South Carolina 14th Cavalry Battalion [also called 1st or 2nd Battalion] was organized early in 1862 with four companies. Many of its members were recruited in the western counties of the state. Serving in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, the unit fought at Pocotaligo and Coosewhatchie where it lost 2 killed, 13 wounded, and 13 missing. During January, 1863, it merged into the 5th South Carolina Cavalry Regiment. Officers:
Major Joseph H. Morgan
Lt. Col. Paul Felder
  • 2nd Military District of South Carolina, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida (April-June 1862)
  • James Island, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida {Company D] (May-June 1862)
  • 1st Military District of South Carolina, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida (June-July 1862)
  • Battles:
  • Pocotaglio-5/29/62
  • Pinckney Island-8/12/62 (8/21/62)
  • Coosawhatchie-10/22-10/23-62
  • Roster:
    The roster of this unit contains the names of 484 men.

  • Company A - Wm. Nettles, R.M. Skinner
  • Company B - J.C. Edwards
  • Company C - A.H. Caughman, W.F. Caughman
  • Company D - P.A. Raysor, J.W. Reed
  • Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research