Capt. Jeter's Co. Light Artillery (Macbeth Light Artillery)

Historical Notes:
Jeter's Company, South Carolina Light Artillery was also known as the Macbeth Light Artillery and Captain Robert Boyce's Company, South Carolina Light Artillery. It was an Independent Artillery Organization and was organized during the summer of 1861 with men raised in Berkeley County. It served in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, then in mid-July, 1862, moved to Virginia. The company sustained 13 casualties at Second Manassas and 19 during the Maryland Campaign. Later it was ordered to Mississippi and after fighting at Jackson returned to South Carolina. In April, 1864, the unit was stationed at Charleston with 3 officers and 116 men. It then was attached to J.B. Palmer's Brigade in the Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia and served in East Tennesee and Western North Carolina. In March, 1865, there were 5 officers and 92 men present for duty. It disbanded in April. Officers:
  • Captain Robert Boyce
  • Captain B.A. Jeter
  • Assignments:
    J.B. Palmer's Brigade in the Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. Battles:
  • Second Manassas
  • Rappahannock Station VA (23 AUG 1862)
  • South Mountain VA (14 SEP 1862)
  • Sharpsburg VA (17 SEP 1862)
  • Vicksburg Campaign MS (MAY - JUL 1863)
  • Jackson Siege MS (JUL 1863)
  • Morristown (28 OCT 1864)
  • Roster:
    The roster of this unit contains the names of 246 men. The men came mainly from Union, Laurens, and Spartanburg Districts (Counties); a few men came from Kershaw Newberry, Anderson, Chester, and Charleston Districts (Counties)

  • Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research