South Carolina 14th Militia Regiment

Historical Notes:
This unit was listed in Brigadier General John K. Jackson, Brigadier General James H. Trapier's Divison in Jan 1865. It was called to active duty at Branchville, SC, on 5 January 1865, and was moved to Blackville, SC, on 17 January. On 15 February, it numbered about 210 men, and was posted on the western side of the Congaree River, near the bridge at Columbia, SC, and provided a 50 man detail to guard the Broad River bridge. Officers:
Carolinas Campaign SC (FEB - APR 1865)
Bentonville NC (19 - 21 MAR 1865)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 46 men.

  • Barnwell District (County)

  • Barnwell District (County)

  • Orangeburg District (County)

  • Orangeburg District (County)

  • Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research