South Carolina 27th Infantry Regiment (Gaillard's Regiment)

Historical Notes:
The Twenty-Seventh was especially claimed by Charlestonians as their regiment, and in consequence of its local popularity many of the best young men of the city were in its ranks. The average intellegence and social position of the rank and file were thus greater than most regiments. It was not equal to some others in its discipline, But under Gaillard, or any of its officers who possessed its confidence, it would go anywhere and do anything. . . . There was too much intellegence and too little rigidity of discipline in its ranks for men without force of character to command it sucessfully. This regiment . . . had served only in South Carolina but it had been peculiarly fortunate in its service. It had won honor in the Fort at Secessionville in 62; had been Taliferros mainstay at Wagner on the 18th. July; a portion of it had been Elliots garrison at Sumter when the boat attack was repulsed; and two of its sharpshooter regiments had obtained honorable mention at Pocotaligo. Gen. Johnson Hagood - Memoirs of the War of Secession - Page 208, Describing the Unit's service prior to 1864

Prior to October 30, 1863, parts of the 27th. were organized as the Charleston Battallion or the 1st. S.C. Infantry Battalion (later Companies A,B,C,D,H,I - 27 S.C.) and the 1st. Battallion S.C. Sharpshooters (later Companies E,F,G - 27 S.C.)
Assigned to General Hagood's Brigade
Charleston Harbor (AUG - SEP 1863)
Port Walthall Junction (6 MAY 1864)
Swift Creek (9 MAY 1864)
Drewry's Bluff (12 MAY 1864)
Drewry's Bluff (16 MAY 1864)
Cold Harbor VA (1 - 3 JUN 1864)
Weldon Railroad (21 AUG 1864)
2nd Fort Harrison VA (30 SEP 1864)
2nd Fort Fisher (13 - 15 JAN 1865)
Carolinas Campaign SC (FEB - APR 1865)
Bentonville NC (19 - 21 MAR 1865)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1916 men.

Prior to October 30, 1863, parts of the 27th were organized as the Charleston Battalion or the 1st. SC Infantry Battalion and the 1st Battalion SC Sharp-shooters.
  • A Company - (also known as Calhoun Guards): Captain Francis T. Miles; Captain Barnwell W. Palmer; Captain J. Waring Axon. Previously Company A of the SC 1st Infantry Battalion.
  • B Company - (also know as the Charleston Light Infantry): Captain Thomas Y. Simons. Previously Company B of the SC 1st Infantry Battalion.
  • C Company - (also known as Union Light Infantry Volunteers) (German Fusiliers were attached to this company): Captain Samuel Lord; Captain George W. Brown. – Previously Company C of the SC 1st Infantry Battalion.
  • D Company - (also known as Sumter Guards): Captain Henry C. King; Captain J. Ward Hopkins; Captain John A. Cay. Previously Company D of the SC 1st Infantry Battalion.
  • E Company - (also known as Union Light Infantry Volunteers)(German Fusiliers attached to the Union Light Infantry Volunteers): Captain Samuel Lord; Captain George W. Brown . Previously Company A of the SC 1st Battalion Sharpshooters.
  • F Company -(also known as Sumter Guards): Captain Henry C. King; Captain J. Ward Hopkins; Captain John A. Cay. Previously Company B of the SC 1st Battalion Sharpshooters.
  • F Company - Captain Thomas Blyth Allston; Captain Julius D. Huguenin
  • G Company - (also known as Palmetto Guards and Charleston Sharpshooters): Captain Henry Buist. Previously Company C of the SC 1st Battalion Sharpshooters.
  • H Company - (also known as Irish Volunteers): Captain W.H. Ryan; Captain J.M. Mulvaney. Previously Company E of the SC 1st Infantry Battalion.
  • I Company - (also known as Charleston Riflemen): Captain Julius A. Blake; Captain W. Dove Walter. Previously Company F of the SC 1st Infantry Battalion.
  • K Company - (also known as Charleston Light Infantry): Captain William Clarkson
  • Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research