South Carolina 23d Infantry (Hatch's Regiment, Coast Rangers)

Historical Notes:
The South Carolina 23rd Infantry Regiment [also called Coast Rangers] was assembled at Charleston, South Carolina, in November, 1861. Most of the men were from Horry, Georgetown, Charleston, and Colleton counties. After being stationed in South Carolina, the regiment moved to Virginia and during the war served in General Evans', Elliot's, and Wallace's Brigade. It participated in the conflicts at Second Manassas, South Mountain, and Sharpsburg, then was ordered to North Carolina and later to Mississippi. The unit skirmished at Jackson, was sent to Charleston, and in the spring of 1864 returned to Virginia. It continued the fight in the trenches of Petersburg and around Appomattox. During the Second Manassas operations, August 6-20, 1862, this regiment lost sixty-eight percent of the 225 engaged, and all its field officers were wounded. It reported 10 killed, 22 wounded, and 5 missing in the Maryland Campaign, totalled 297 men in October, 1863, and had 49 killed or wounded at the Petersburg mine explosion. The 23rd had many disabled at Sayler's Creek and surrendered 5 officers and 103 men. Officers:
Henry L. Benbow and Lewis M. Hatch; Lieutenant Colonels Allen J. Green, John M. Kinloch, Edgar O. Murden, and John Roberts; and Majors Matthew V. Bancroft, Henry H. Lesesne, L.P. Miller, and John M. Whilden. Assignments:
Dec 1, 1861 - Jan 1862-At Camp Green
Jan 31 - Feb 28 1863 - Camp near Wilmington, N.C.
Sept and Oct 1863 - Hamlin's Farm, Christ's Church Parish, S.C.
Nov and Dec 1863 - Sullivan's Island
Jan and Feb 1864 - Sullivan's Island
Feb 29 - June 30, 1864 - Petersburg, Va
July 1 - Oct 31, 1864 - In trenches near Petersburg, Va
Nov and Dec 1864 - Trenches Petersburg, Va
Jan and Feb 1865 - Petersburg, VA
Malvern Hill VA (1 JUL 1862)
Rappahannock Station VA (23 AUG 1862)
2nd Manassas VA (28 - 30 AUG 1862)
South Mountain VA (14 SEP 1862)
Sharpsburg VA (17 SEP 1862)
Jackson Siege MS (JUL 1863)
Charleston Harbor (AUG - SEP 1863)
Bermuda Hundred (17 MAY - 16 JUN 1864)
Petersburg Siege VA (JUN 1864 - APR 1865)
Petersburg (9 JUN 1864)
The Crater (30 JUL 1864)
Ft. Stedman (25 MAR 1865)
Five Forks VA (1 APR 1865)
Appomattox Court House VA (9 APR 1865)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1868 men.

Company A. - Chesterfield County - Bee Rifles
Company B - ? County – Chicora Rifles
Company C
Company D - Charleston County
Company E - Marion County
Company F - Chester County - Coast Rangers
Company G - Marlboro County - Douglas Rifles
Company H - Marion County.
Company I - Clarendon County - Sprott Guard
Company K - Sumter County.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research