South Carolina 22nd Infantry Regiment

Historical Notes:
The South Carolina 22nd Infantry Regiment was organized and mustered into Confederate service in December, 1861. Some of its members were recruited in Oconee and Edgefield counties. After serving in South Carolina, the unit was sent to Virginia and assigned to General Evans', Elliot's, and Wallace's Brigade. It was active at Second Manassas, South Mountain, and Sharpsburg before being ordered to North Carolina and later Mississippi. The 22nd was engaged at Jackson, moved to Charleston, and in the spring of 1864 returned to Virginia. It participated in the Petersburg siege south and north of the James River and saw action around Appomattox. The unit reported 18 casualties at Secessionville, 17 at Rappahannock Station, and 84 during the Maryland Campaign. In October, 1863, it contained 360 effectives, and there were 216 killed or wounded at the Petersburg mine explosion. Many were disabled at Sayler's Creek, and on April 9, 1865, it surrendered 11 officers and 77 men.

Dr. DeWitt B. Stone is assembling information on Evans Brigade from SC that was in the War Between the States. He has been gathering information on this unit for 10 years and hopes to one day write a history of the Brigade. The 22nd Reg. that was formed of men from the Orangeburg and Lexington area was part of this group and he has been unable to find much information on it. In fact he states that he has less on it than any other regiment belonging to the Brigade. If any of you had ancestors in this outfit and have any old letters or documents that may shed some light on them, I am sure he would appreciate copies to help him put this information together. His address:

Dr. DeWitt B. Stone
Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs
206 Sikes Hall
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-5170
Colonels Joseph Abney, William G. Burt, Olin M. Dantzler, David G. Fleming, and Spartan D. Goodlett; Lieutenant Colonels James O'Connell and Thomas C. Watkins; and Majors Miel Hilton, and James N. Shedd, and James M. Stewart. Assignments:
General Evans', Elliot's, and Wallace's Brigade.
Secessionville (15 - 16 JUN 1862)
Rappahannock Station VA (23 AUG 1862)
2nd Manassas VA (28 - 30 AUG 1862)
South Mountain VA (14 SEP 1862)
Sharpsburg VA (17 SEP 1862)
Charleston Harbor (7 APR 1863)
Jackson Siege MS (JUL 1863)
Charleston Harbor (AUG - SEP 1863)
Bermuda Hundred (17 MAY - 16 JUN 1864)
Petersburg Siege VA (JUN 1864 - APR 1865)
The Crater (30 JUL 1864)
Ft. Stedman (25 MAR 1865)
Five Forks VA (1 APR 1865)
Appomattox Court House VA (9 APR 1865)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1992 men. Some of the members were recruited in Oconee and Edgefield counties. Col. Rivers states that he originally recruited 873 men under Col. S. B. Goodlett [actually Spartan D. Goodlett].

  • Co. A, from Edgefield, Capt. C. Adams;
  • Co. B, from Spartanburg, Capt. ______;
  • Co. C, from Spartanburg, Capt. A. Wakefield;
  • Co. D, from Pickens, Capt. Jas. O’Connell;
  • Co. E, from Lancaster, Capt.. M. Hilton;
  • Co. F, from Pickens, Capt. J. M. Stewart;
  • Co. G, from Anderson, Capt._______;
  • Co. H, from Greenville, Capt. _______;
  • Co. I, from Orangeburg, Capt. H. W. Millhouse;
  • Co. K, from Pickens, Capt. M. S. Messer.
  • Bibliography for Research:

    For Additional Research