South Carolina 15th Infantry Regiment

Historical Notes:
The South Carolina 15th Infantry Regiment completed its organization in September, 1861, at Lightwoodknot Springs, near Columbia, South Carolina.

The 15th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry was the fifth and last of the regiments formed to meet the quota of 3,000 new troops assigned to South Carolina by the Confederate government following the battle of 1st Manassas. The regiment drew some men from the 1st SCVI 6 months regiment that disbanded in South Carolina. Members of the 15th came from Richland, Union, Lexington, Kershaw, Fairfield, and Williamsburg counties. After serving on James Island, the unit moved to Virginia and was assigned to General Drayton's, Kershaw's, Kennedy's, and Conner's Brigade.
DeSaussure, William D.
Davis, John B.
Lieut. Colonels:
Anderson, Richard
Gist, Joseph F.
Lewie, F.S.
Gist, J.F.
Gist, William M.
Lewie, Frederick Sims
Davis, J.M.

Asst. QM
Middleton, J.S.
Commy. Sgt.
Kirkland, J.M.
James, J.A.
Asst. Surg.
Wallace, A.
Mc Cullum, H.B.
Sgt. Major:
Giles, C.H.
QM Sgt.
Price, J.R.
Ord. Sgt.
Boyd, R.W.
Hos. Stwd.
Maurice, R.F.
Morris Island, Charleston Harbor (April 1861)
Nelson’s Brigade, Bonham’s Division, Charleston Harbor (April – May 1861)
Bonham’s Brigade, Department of Alexandria (May – June 1861)
Bonham’s Brigade, Army of the Potomac (June – July 1861)
Bonham’s Brigade, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac (July - October 1861)
Bonham’s Brigade, 3rd Division, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac (October 1861)
Bonham’s Brigade, 3rd Division, 1st Corps, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia (October - November 1861)
Bonham’s – Kershaw’s Brigade, Van Dorn’s – Early’s Division, 1st Corps, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia (November 1861 – January 1862)
Kershaw’s Brigade, Van Dorn’s – Early’s Division, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia (January 1862 – March 1862)
Kershaw’s Brigade, Department of the Peninsula (March – April 1862)
Kershaw’s Brigade, McLaw’s Division, Magruder’s Command, Army of Northern Virginia (April 1862 – July 1863)
Kershaw’s Brigade, McLaw’s Division, 1st Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (July 1863 – September 1863)
Kershaw’s Brigade, McLaw’s Division, Longstreet’s Corps, Army of Tennessee (September - November 1863)
Kershaw’s Brigade, McLaw’s - Kershaw’s Division, Department of East Tennessee (November 1863 – April 1864)
Kershaw’s Brigade, Kershaw’s Division, 1st Corps Army of Northern Virginia (April - August 1864)
Kershaw’s – Connor’s Brigade, Kershaw’s Division, Valley District, Department of Northern Virginia (August – September 1864)
Connor’s Brigade, Kershaw’s Division, (returning to the Petersburg lines but recalled) (September 1864)
Connor’s Brigade, Kershaw’s Division, Valley District, Department of Northern Virginia (September – October 1864)
Connor’s – Kennedy’s Brigade, Kershaw’s Division, 1st Corps Army of Northern Virginia (November 1864 – January 1865)
Kennedy’s Brigade, McLaws’ Division, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida (January – February 1865)
Kennedy’s Brigade, McLaws’ – Walthall’s Division, Hardee’s Corps (February – April 1865)
Port Royal SC (7 NOV 1861)
Hilton Head (1 DEC 1861)
Secessionville (15 - 16 JUN 1862)
Manassas VA (28 - 30 AUG 1862)
Harper's Ferry (12 - 15 SEP 1862)
South Mountain VA (14 SEP 1862)
Sharpsburg VA (17 SEP 1862)
Fredericksburg VA (13 DEC 1862)
Chancellorsville (1-4 MAY 1863)
Gettysburg PA (1-3 JUL 1863)
Chickamauga GA (19-20 SEP 1863)
Chattanooga Siege GA (SEP - NOV 1863)
Knoxville Siege GA (NOV - DEC 1863)
Fort Sanders (29 NOV 1863)
Bean's Station (15 DEC 1863)
The Wilderness VA (5 - 6 MAY 1864)
Spotsylvania Court House VA (8 - 21 MAY 1864)
North Anna VA (23 - 26 MAY 1864)
Cold Harbor VA (1 - 3 JUN 1864)
Petersburg Siege VA (JUN 1864 - APR 1865)
Berryville (AUG 1864)
Near Port Republic (7 OCT 1864)
Near Strasburg (14 OCT 1864)
Cedar Creek (19 OCT 1864)
Carolinas Campaign SC (FEB - APR 1865)
Averasboro (16 MAR 1865)
Bentonville NC (19 - 21 MAR 1865)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1910 men.

A- Cpt. Radcliffe, T. W. Columbia Rifles
B- Cpt. Gist, William M. Gist Guards
C- Cpt. Lewie, Frederick Sims Lexington Guards
D- Cpt. Warrren, Thomas J. Kershaw Guards
E- Cpt. Davis, John Bunyon Monticello Guards
F- Cpt. Boyd, Charles W. Thicketty Rifles
G- Cpt. Chandler, Joseph B. Williamsburg Riflemen
H- Cpt. Sims, William H. Mount Tabor Company
I- Cpt. Koon, John H. Dutch Fork Guards
K- Cpt. Bird, Holloway I. Dorn's Invincibles
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research