South Carolina 8th Infantry (Stalling's) Battalion Reserves

Historical Notes:
The SC 8th Infantry Battalion Reserves was organized with 3 companies in mid-1864. Companies A and C served as prison guards in Columbia. The unit was officially disbanded on 1 February 1865, consolidated into 2nd Battalion, Companies F & G and 5th Battalion, Company D
S. H. Stallings
W. W. Hutto
Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida
Columbia Military Prison, companies A & C
Ripley's Brigade (Oct thru Dec)
Taliaferro's Brigade (Dec)
Chestnut's Brigade (Dec thru Jan)
Carolinas Campaign SC (FEB - APR 1865)
Bentonville NC (19 - 21 MAR 1865)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 425 men.

Company A - Captain William H. Bartless - Charleston District
Company B - Captain Henry W. Fishburne - Colleton District
Company C - Captain W. W. Hutto - Barnwell & Beaufort Counties
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research