Capt. Fickling's Co. Artillery (Brooks Light Artillery)

Historical Notes:
Capt. Fickling's Co. Artillery (Brooks Light Artillery) was formed during the winter of 1861 and 1862 from Co. K, "Brooks Guards", of the 2nd South Carolina Infantry Regiment. The men came from Charleston and the Pickens Districts. On October 17, 1862, 61 members of this company transferred to organize an artillery battery under Captain Andrew Burnett Rhett. He resigned his infantry commission at regimental reorganization May 13, 1862 to become captain of Rhett's Battery, later known as Fickling's Artillery. The name Brooks originally came from the name of Co. K "Brooks Guards". It was originally armed with two 6-lb. Smoothbores, one 12-lb. Napoleon, and one 12-lb. Howitzer.

It soon moved to Virginia and was assigned to Stephen Dill Lee's, Edward Porter Alexander's, and Frank Huger's Battalion of Artillery. The unit fought with the Army of Northern Virginia from the Seven Days' Battles to Gettysburg. On July 1, 1863, at Gettysburg, it was armed with four 12-lb. Howitzers. It was surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia on April 9, 1865.
Rhett, A. Burnet - Captain
Ficklin, W. W. - Captain
Stephen Dill Lee's, Edward Porter Alexander's, and Frank Huger's Battalion of Artillery. Battles:
Seven Days Battles VA (25 JUN - 1 JUL 1862)
Beaver Dam Creek VA (27 JUN 1862)
White Oak Swamp (30 JUN 1862)
2nd Manassas VA (28 - 30 AUG 1862)
Sharpsburg VA (17 SEP 1862)
Fredericksburg VA (13 DEC 1862)
Chancellorsville (1-4 MAY 1863)
Gettysburg PA (1-3 JUL 1863)
Chickamauga GA (19-20 SEP 1863)
Chattanooga Siege GA (SEP - NOV 1863)
Knoxville Siege GA (NOV - DEC 1863)
The Wilderness VA (5 - 6 MAY 1864)
Spotsylvania Court House VA (8 - 21 MAY 1864)
North Anna VA (23 - 26 MAY 1864)
Cold Harbor VA (1 - 3 JUN 1864)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 378 men from the Charleston and Pickens Districts.

Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research