South Carolina 5th Infantry Regiment

Historical Notes:
This was one of the first regiments organized by direction of Governor Pickens early in 1861, under authority of An Act to provide an Armed Military Force, passed by the General Assembly of South Carolina, December 17, 1860. It entered State service in April 1861, and was mustered into Confederate service at Orangeburgh, by B[arnard] E. Bee, Lieutenant Colonel, S. C. I., Mustering Officer, June 4, 1861. At the expiration of the year for which the regiment had entered service, April 13, 1862, the regiment disbanded. Colonel Jenkins then organized a regiment styled The Palmetto Sharpshooters and most of the officers and men of the disbanded Fifth joined the new regiment. Another Fifth was immediately organized, their regimental officers being appointed, or commissioned, April 23, 1862. It served in the Army of Northern Virginia until the surrender at Appomattox, April 9, 1861.
Jenkins, Micah Gile, John R. R. Coward, Asbury
Lieutenant Colonels:
Legg, G. W. H. Wylie, John D.
Thompson, William T. Foster, W. M. Beckham , T[homas] C.
Avery, J. W. Clinton, E. B. Hardy, W. D.
Wright, J. D. Crockett, John N.
Elford, T. J. Giles, Thomas W.
Thomson, A. W. Foster, J[oseph]. H.
Assistant Surgeons:
Bratton, J. R. Benson, W. H. Moore, A. A.
DuRant, H. H. Craig, J. N.
Sergeant Majors:
Goss, H. L. Hardy, W. D. Coward, J. J.

Quartermaster Sergeants:
Mc Connell, A. F. Leach. E. M. Huey, J. C.
Ordnance Sergeant:
Scaife, W. J.
Hospital Steward:
Witherspoon, James H.
Drum Major and Chief Musician:
Weiss, J. B. Bearden, E. Burris, Robert M. Fant, T. M. Farley, James M. Flanigan, James Giles, B. F. Gourley, James S. Howe, Julius T. Johnson, W. L. Kerr, P. J. Love, J. W. Lucas, James S. Mark, H. C. Minter, A. N. Minter, J. Y. Rodgers, John
Anderson’s, Jenkins, Walker’s, Bratton’s Brigade
Blackburn's Ford (18 JUL 1861)
1st Manassas (21 JUL 1861)
Great Falls (4 SEP 1861)
Yorktown Siege (APR - MAY 1862
Williamsburg (4 MAY 1862)
Seven Pines (31 MAY - 1 JUN 1862)
Seven Days Battles VA (25 JUN - 1 JUL 1862)
Gaines Mill VA (27 JUN 1862)
Frayser's Farm VA (30 JUN 1862)
2nd Manassas VA (28 - 30 AUG 1862)
South Mountain VA (14 SEP 1862)
Sharpsburg VA (17 SEP 1862)
Fredericksburg VA (13 DEC 1862)
Wauhatchie (28 - 29 OCT) 1863
Knoxville Siege GA (NOV - DEC 1863)
The Wilderness VA (5 - 6 MAY 1864)
Spotsylvania Court House VA (8 - 21 MAY 1864)
North Anna VA (23 - 26 MAY 1864)
Cold Harbor VA (1 - 3 JUN 1864)
Petersburg Siege VA (JUN 1864 - APR 1865)
2nd Fort Harrison VA (30 SEP 1864)
Williamsburg Road (27 OCT 1864)
Appomattox Court House VA (9 APR 1865)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 2411 men.

The companies of this regiment were made up of men recruited in Laurens, Lancaster, Spartanburg, and Union counties.
First Organization Was For Twelve Companies
A – Union County - Johnson Rifles
Second Company A – Lancaster County, Lancaster Greys
B - York County - Kings Mountain Guards
C - Spartanburg County - Lawson Fork Vols.
D - Union County - Tyger Vols.
E - Union County - Pea Ridge Vols.
F - Spartanburg County - Morgan Light Infantry
G - Spartanburg County - Pacolet Guard
H – York County
I - York County - Jasper Light Infantry
K - Spartanburg County - Spartan Rifles
L - York County - Catawba Light Infantry
M - York County - Whyte Guards
Spartanburg County - Batesville Vols
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research