Sherman's March Through South Carolina

66 Days of Hell

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Source Notes

1. Osborn, Thomas. The Fiery Trail - A Union Officer's Account of Sherman's Last Campaigns. Knoxville, The University of Tennessee Press. 1986 pg. 143.
2. ibid. pg.
3. ibid. pg. 81.
4. Howard, Oliver Otis. Autobiography. 2 vols. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1907. pg. 98-99.
5. Osborn. pg. 82
6. ibid. pg. 83
7. ibid. pg. 83
8. ibid. pg. 85
9. ibid. pg. 101
10. ibid. pg. 103
11. ibid. pg. 100
12. ibid. pg. 102
13. ibid. pg. 104
14. ibid. pg. 108
15. Simms, William Gilmore. Sack and Destruction of the City of Columbia. SC Atlanta 1937. pg. 18-19.
16. Howard. Collection of personal papers in a letter to his daughter. 17. Osborn. pg. 117.
18. ibid. pg. 119.
19. ibid. pg. 125.
20. ibid. pg. 128.
21. ibid. pg. 143
22. O. R. Ser. 1 vol. 47 pt. 2 pg. 533.
23. Osborn. pg. 153.


Unpublished Letters and Papers

Oliver Otis Howard. Letters. Howard Collection. Bowdoin College Library, Brunswick, Maine.
Thomas Ward Osborn. "Autiobio-graphical Sketch." Florida State University, Tallahassee.
Sherman, William Tecumseh. "Report of Major General William T. Sherman to the Hon. Committee on the Conduct of the War. 2 vols. Washington, D.C. Government Printing Office. 1866.

Newspapers and Articles

Gibbes, James E. Philadelphia Times (Sept. 20, 1880)
Hesseltine, William B. and Larry Gara, eds. "Sherman Burns the Libraries", South Carolina Historical Magazine IV no. 3 (July 1954)

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