The South Carolina Secessionist
Dateline Week of April 20th

News from the Front


Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet are increasing pressure on the State following the recent action last week in Charleston. The U. S. Government is demanding in letters that our men surrender Fort Sumter, meanwhile calling for 75,000 men to volunteer for service to quell the insurrection in Virginia and South Carolina. Col. Anderson and his company vacated Ft. Sumter on the steamer Isabel, as the South Carolina troops stood silently with head uncovered.


In Virginia, the siege of Yorktown continues. South Carolina troops engaged are:

Hampton Legion Cavalry Battalion under Maj. Caldwell Baker
2nd Infantry Regiment under Maj. Benjamin R. Clyburn
2rd Infantry Regiment under Col. James H. Williams
4th Infantry Battalion under Maj. Charles S. Mattison
4th Infantry Regiment under Col. John B. E. Sloan
5th Infantry Regiment under Col. Micah Jenkins
6th Infantry Regiment under Col. Charles S. Winder
7th Infantry Regiment under Col. Thomas G. Bacon
8th Infantry Regiment under Col. Ellerbee B. C. Cash

The 9th Infantry Regiment under Col. James D. Blanding is undergoing reorganization and may be disbanded, although all of the men are currently still in Virginia. If you have relatives in this unit, look for them to return home shortly unless they immediately join with other regiments in the field.

In Mississippi, the men of the 10th Infantry Regiment under Col. Arthur M. Minigault are settled in at Corinth, awaiting the movement of the Federal forces.

There was a skirmish reported yesterday (19th) on Edisto Island. In spite of sharp fighting, the episode was brief and no losses were reported.


All was quiet this week around the state, as was news from the front. Many men are returning to the front following fuloughs home to help with the spring planting. Following last week's action in Charleston Harbor, and the destruction of the George Washington in Beaufort, this week's relative quiet is welcome.


All was quiet this week around the state, as was news from the front. Men of the 10th Infantry Regiment and Ferguson's Artillery Battery remain encamped south of Chattanooga.


Troops continue to stream south into South Carolina following the release of Lee's Army at Appomattox. Many of these men are starving and citizens of the state are requested as much as possible to aid these men on their way. We received word on the 19th of President Lincoln's death, and Gen. Johnston is said to be in negotiations with Gen. Sherman. President Davis and his cabinet were seen this week in the upstate of South Carolina along with about 300 cavalry. Their destination is unknown, as are their movements day to day.

The City of Camden was occupied on the 17th by Federal troops and skirmishes were reported at Boykin's Mills, Bradford Springs, Beech Creek, and Denkin's Mills.

The Civil War in South Carolina © - 1998 Eastern Digital Resources

The Civil War in South Carolina