The Civil War in South Carolina

The Brazilian Migration

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Families to Brazil

The following is a listing by state of those who went down in the late 1860's and later as remembered by Martha Stegall Norris, wife of Dr. Robert Norris of Ala. Those with families are marked #.


Col William H. Norris #
Dr. Robert Norris #
John Cole #
Col Robert Broadnax #
Joe Whitaker #
William Daniel #
Capt Ben Yancey
Dalton Yancey
George Northrop
Henry Sembrich #
Davis #
William Owen #
Simeon Russell #
Edward Trigg #
John Dumas #
Henry Capps
Henry Strong #
Henry Brown
Frank Bankston #
Dr. C.P. Ezelle
Rev Newman #
Thomas Smith #
Joe Moore #
Richard Bryan #
Capt Lee Bryant
Weisinger #
Joseph Daniel #
William Barr #
Dr. G.G. Mathews #
Mills #
Dr. Cicero Jones
Dr. Yancey Jones
Joel Sanders


Milton Pyles #
Searight #
Denby #
Joseph Minchin #
Chambers Williamson #
Lidelle #

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