54th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry

Historical Sketch:
Cols., Jacob M. Campbell, Albert P. Moulton; Lieut.-Cols., Barnabas McDermit, John P. Linton, Albert P. Moulton, William A. McDermit; Majs., John P. Linton, Enoch D. Yutzy, Nathan Davis, John L. Decker. The 54th regiment was recruited from the counties of Cambria, Somerset, Dauphin, Northampton and Lehigh, during the autumn of 1861 and was mustered into the U. S. service for three years, at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, Feb. 7, 1862. Col. Campbell and many of the other officers and men had already served in the three months' campaign. The regiment left for Washington on Feb. 27; encamped near Bladensburg cemetery, where it spent about four weeks in drill and other routine duties; reported on March 29 to Col. Miles at Harper's Ferry, and was assigned to guard duty along the line of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, having under its charge some 56 miles of road west of Martinsburg. Its headquarters were first at Great Cacapon and afterwards at Sir John's run. From June 1 to Sept. 10, Col. Campbell reported the capture of 213 guerrillas and 273 horses. After the surrender of the forces under Col. Miles at Harper's Ferry, the 54th was attached to Gen. Franklin's command. On Oct. 4 all but 35 members of Co. K at Little Cacapon, and all of Co. B at Paw Paw, were surprised and captured by a force under Gen. Imboden. A little later, on the organization of the 8th corps, it was assigned to the 3d brigade, 2nd division. In December Cos. B and K were exchanged and returned to the regiment and in this month the command was relieved of its long service on the railroad. On Jan. 6, 1863, the regiment moved to Romney, where it remained until the opening of the spring campaign. Lieut.-Col. McDermit resigned on Jan. 29 and was succeeded by Maj. Linton, Capt. Yutzy being promoted major. The regiment was now attached to the 4th brigade, 1st division, Department of West Virginia; was engaged in scouting and patrol duty in the neighborhood of Purgitsville until June 30, when it moved to New Creek; joined in the pursuit of the enemy after the battle of Gettysburg; skirmished with his pickets on July 10, and was heavily engaged on the 19th; then returned to Romney; advanced in August to near Petersburg to relieve the 23d Ill., and was engaged in fortifying for three weeks. It moved to Springfield with its brigade early in November and was assigned to 1st brigade, 2nd division, Col. Campbell in command. In Jan., 1864, Col. Campbell with a part of his command was ordered to Cumberland, and in February, Co. K was surprised and captured at Patterson's creek by the enemy under the notorious Harry Gilmore. In the campaign in the Shenandoah Valley in May under Gen. Sigel, the 54th was active at the battle of New Market, losing 174 killed, wounded and missing. Maj. -Gen. Hunter now assumed command of the army which was designated the Army of the Shenandoah. The 54th was active at Piedmont, losing 30 killed and wounded, and as a part of the 3d brigade, 2nd division was engaged at Lexington with little loss. Its loss at Lynchburg was severe, numbering 54 killed. In the subsequent retreat across the mountains into the Kanawha Valley, the command suffered severely. It arrived at Camp Pyatt on June 29 and moved by rail to Martinsburg on July 14. It joined in the pursuit of Early's forces, engaging him at Snicker's ferry and Island ford of the Shenandoah with a loss of 7 men; skirmished at Kernstown on the 23d, and was heavily engaged there on the 24th ; then withdrew across the Potomac, where it engaged in the various maneuvres of the army; after a number of heavy skirmishes fell back to Halltown, remaining there until Aug. 28; then moved to Charlestown and thence to Berryville, where it was active in September. While here its depleted ranks were filled by recruits, returning convalescents and veterans. It was active at the battle of Winchester, making a gallant charge with its corps under Gen. Crook; shared in the splendid charge at Fisher's hill; and suffered heavily in the celebrated battle of Cedar creek, where it was posted in advance. On the close of Sheridan's campaign in the Shenandoah, the 54th moved to Washington and thence to City Point, arriving on Dec. 23, and being assigned to the Army of the James. In May, 1864, the veterans and recruits of the 3d and 4th reserve regiments were first organized as an independent battalion, but were united with the 54th on Feb. 7, 1865. The consolidated organization, still known as the 54th, Col. Albert P. Moulton, Lieut.-Col. William A. McDermit, Maj. Nathan Davis, was assigned to 2nd brigade, independent division, Army of the James, commanded by Gen. Ord. In the attack on Fort Gregg at Petersburg, April 2, 1865, it lost 20 killed and wounded. In the desperate engagement at High bridge over the Appomattox, the 54th was forced to surrender, after losing 21 killed and wounded. Retreating for four days with the enemy's columns, the men were released on the surrender of Lee. From Appomattox the 54th was sent to Annapolis, and on July 15, 1865, was mustered out at Harrisburg. Roster:
The Roster of this unit contains the names of 2895 men.
The Union Army by Federal Publishing Company, 1908 - Volume 1
  • Barcousky, Len. Civil War Pittsburgh: Forge of the Union. Charleston, South Carolina: The History Press, 2013. ISBN 9781626190818.
  • Blair, William and William Pencak, editors. Making and Remaking Pennsylvania's Civil War. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press, 2004.
  • Fox, Arthur B. Our Honored Dead: Alleghany County, Pennsylvania, in the American Civil War. Chicora, Pennsylvania: Mechling Bookbindery, 2008.
  • Fox, Arthur B. Pittsburgh During the American Civil War 1860–1865. Chicora, Pennsylvania: Mechling Bookbindery, 2002.
  • Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce. Southern Revenge: Civil War History of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania: Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce, 1989.
  • Miller, William J. The Training of an Army: Camp Curtin and the North's Civil War. Shippensburg, Pennsylvania: White Mane, 1990.
  • Sandou, Robert M. Deserter County: Civil War Opposition in the Pennsylvania Appalachians. Fordham University Press, 2009.
  • Skinner, George W., ed. Pennsylvania at Chickamauga and Chattanooga: Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Monuments Erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Wm. Stanley Ray, State Printer, 1897.
  • Taylor, Frank H. Philadelphia in the Civil War. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The City, 1913.
  • Wingert, Cooper H. Harrisburg and the Civil War: Defending the Keystone of the Union. Charleston, South Carolina: The History Press, 2013. ISBN 9781626190412.
  • Young, Ronald C. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in the Civil War. Lancaster, Pennsylvania: published by the author, 2003.

  • For Additional Research