69th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry

Historical Sketch:
Some of the men of this regiment were from California.

The 69th regiment, mostly composed of men from Philadelphia, with a few from Schuylkill county, was mustered into the U. S. service on Aug. 19, 1861, for three years. Its colonel had commanded the 24th regiment in the three months' service, and most of the members were Irishmen, robust and of fine physique. On Sept. 17, 1861, it left the state for Washington, and remained in the vicinity of the capital engaged in the work of fortification and routine duties until Feb. 22, 1862. In Oct., 1861, it was assigned to the famous Philadelphia brigade, Col. E. D. Baker, Stone's division, Banks' army. Col. Baker was killed at Ball's bluff, and Gen. W. W. Burns assumed command of the brigade, Gen. Sedgwick at the same time superseding Gen. Stone. In Feb., 1862, it was presented with a green flag by the citizens of Philadelphia. When it moved on the Peninsular campaign its brigade was designated the 2nd of the 2nd division, 2nd corps under Gen. Sumner. In this campaign it shared in the siege of Yorktown; was engaged with small loss at Fair Oaks; was hotly engaged at the Peach Orchard and Savage Station, losing 2 killed, 6 wounded, and 9 prisoners; behaved with great gallantry at Charles City cross-roads; and was complimented by Gen. Hooker for making "the first successful bayonet charge of the war." Its loss here was 7 killed, 22 wounded and 5 captured. It was again in action at Malvern hill, then moved to Centerville, Gen. Howard taking command of the brigade. It suffered a small loss at Chantilly, but was heavily engaged at Antietam, losing 3 officers and 18 men killed, 3 officers and 54 men wounded, and 1 officer and 9 men prisoners. It skirmished at Snicker's gap in October, and on Nov. 15, went into camp at Falmouth, where Col. Owen was promoted to brigadier-general and Lieut. -Col. O'Kane became colonel. It lost heavily at Fredericksburg, where it behaved with its usual gallantry. It was not actively engaged at Chancellorsville, but skirmished lightly at Thoroughfare gap and at Haymarket in June, 1863, and arrived at Gettysburg at the close of the first day. Its losses during the next two days were enormous. Of 258 officers and men who went into action, it lost 6 officers and 32 men killed, 7 officers and 76 men wounded, and 2 officers and 16 men prisoners, a total of 143. Both Col. O'Kane and Lieut.-Col. Tschudy were among the killed. After joining in the pursuit of Lee's army into Virginia, it was variously employed in the ensuing fall operations in reconnoissances, guard and picket duties, and shared in the Mine Run campaign with some loss. Winter quarters were established at Stevensburg, where the veterans who had reenlisted were given the usual furlough in March, 1864, and were presented with a new green flag in Philadelphia, the old one being deposited in Independence Hall. In May, 1864, it moved on the spring campaign; was heavily engaged at the Wilderness, Po river, Spottsylvania, where Lieut. M'Anally of Co. D captured a stand of colors in a hand-to-hand encounter, the North Anna, Totopotomy and Cold Harbor, where the return of the veterans, together with the recruits, brought the regimental strength up to 300. It crossed the James river on June 14 and was immediately brought under fire; lost heavily a week later on the Jerusalem plank road; was in reserve at the explosion of the mine on July 30; supported the cavalry at Reams' station in August; was heavily engaged there on the 25th, Col. Davis being among the wounded; suffered severely at Hatcher's run in October; fought at Dabney's mills on Feb. 5, 1865; and led the assault on the Petersburg works on March 25, carrying and holding a portion of the intrenchments. On the 29th it started on the final campaign, being engaged at Jetersville and High bridge, and was at Clover hill when the surrender was announced. It was finally mustered out at Ball's cross-roads, opposite Washington.

  • Article On Line at the California Military Museum
  • Officers:
    Cols., Joshua T. Owen, Dennis O'Kane, William Davis; Lieut-Cols., Dennis O'Kane, John Devereux, Martin Tschudy, James Duffy, William Davis, James O'Reilly; Majs., John Devereux, Martin Tschudy, James Duffy, William Davis, Patrick S. Tinen, James O'Reilly, John M'Hugh. Roster:
    The Roster of this unit contains the names of 3379 men.
    The Union Army by Federal Publishing Company, 1908 - Volume 1
  • Barcousky, Len. Civil War Pittsburgh: Forge of the Union. Charleston, South Carolina: The History Press, 2013. ISBN 9781626190818.
  • Blair, William and William Pencak, editors. Making and Remaking Pennsylvania's Civil War. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press, 2004.
  • Fox, Arthur B. Our Honored Dead: Alleghany County, Pennsylvania, in the American Civil War. Chicora, Pennsylvania: Mechling Bookbindery, 2008.
  • Fox, Arthur B. Pittsburgh During the American Civil War 1860–1865. Chicora, Pennsylvania: Mechling Bookbindery, 2002.
  • Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce. Southern Revenge: Civil War History of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania: Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce, 1989.
  • Miller, William J. The Training of an Army: Camp Curtin and the North's Civil War. Shippensburg, Pennsylvania: White Mane, 1990.
  • Sandou, Robert M. Deserter County: Civil War Opposition in the Pennsylvania Appalachians. Fordham University Press, 2009.
  • Skinner, George W., ed. Pennsylvania at Chickamauga and Chattanooga: Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Monuments Erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Wm. Stanley Ray, State Printer, 1897.
  • Taylor, Frank H. Philadelphia in the Civil War. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The City, 1913.
  • Wingert, Cooper H. Harrisburg and the Civil War: Defending the Keystone of the Union. Charleston, South Carolina: The History Press, 2013. ISBN 9781626190412.
  • Young, Ronald C. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in the Civil War. Lancaster, Pennsylvania: published by the author, 2003.

  • For Additional Research