2nd Regiment, New Jersey Militia

Historical Notes HISTORICAL NOTES:
  • April 26 Organized for three months service at Trenton, N.J. & Enrolled May 1. Mustered in.
  • July 31 Mustered out.
  • Officers OFFICERS:
  • Colonel Henry M. Baker
  • Lieutenant Colonel Abraham Speer
  • Major John J. Vanbuskirk
  • Assignments ASSIGNMENTS:
  • Attached to Runyon’s New Jersey Brigade, Defenses of Washington at Meridian Hill
  • Attached to 1st Brigade, Runyon’s Reserve Division, Army of Northeast Virginia
  • Service SERVICE:
  • May 3 Left State for Washington, D.C.
  • May 5 Reported to General Butler at Annapolis, Md.
  • May 6 Moved to Washington, D.C.
  • May 24 Occupation of Arlington Heights, Va.
  • May 25 Construction of Fort Runyon
  • June Duty on line of Alexandria & Loudon Railroad
  • July 16 Advance on Manassas, Va.
  • July 21 Battle of Bull Run. The regiment was in reserve and suffered no casualties.
    The composite rosters of this unit contains the names of 774 men. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

    For Additional Research