4th Regiment, New Hampshire Infantry

The 4th regiment was mustered in at Manchester for three years' service. The original members not reenlisted, were mustered out on Sept. 27, 1864, at Concord, and the reenlisted men and recruits at Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 23, 1865. The total strength was 1,025 and the total loss by death was 280, of which number 95 deaths were due to wounds. The 4th left the state for Washington, Sept. 27, 1861, and embarked on the "Baltic" for Port Royal, S. C, arriving there Nov. 4, after terrible storms. In Jan., 1862, it sailed on a southern expedition, which captured Fernandina, Jacksonville and St. Augustine, Fla., and garrisoned the last two places. It took an active part in the attacks on Morris and Folly islands and fought almost constantly until the capture of Fort Wagner. At the siege of Charleston a number of the men won Gillmore medals. At Drewry's bluff, where the losses were very heavy, Bermuda Hundred, Cold Harbor, the first attack on Petersburg and in daily service the men showed their heroism. At Petersburg they did trench duty 36 days in one position, 20 feet from a Confederate outpost. Here 50 men were killed or wounded. At the Crater fight only 200 men remained and in this bloody engagement the regiment lost 50 more. Then followed the battle of Deep Bottom and the charge on New Market heights, when only 40 men under a lieutenant could be mustered. The 4th was then in the two expeditions against Fort Fisher and, after guarding for a time the railroad between Wilmington and Little Washington, it was ordered to Raleigh, where the men were mustered out, having gloriously earned their home-coming after the hardest service. OFFICERS:
Cols., Thomas J. Whipple, Louis Bell, William Badger (not mustered); Lieut.-Cols., Louis Bell, Gilman E. Sleeper, Jeremiah D. Drew, Francis W. Parker; Majs., Jeremiah D. Drew, Charles W. Sawyer, Richard O. Greenleaf (not mustered), George F. Towle.


The composite rosters of this unit contains the names of 2326 men.

Company A - Strafford County
Company B - Hillsborough County, Rockingham County and Strafford County
Company C - Hillsborough County and Rockingham County
Company D - Belknap County, Carroll County and Merrimack County
Company E - Hillsborough County, and Merrimack County
Company F - Strafford County
Company G - Hillsborough County and Strafford County
Company H - Rockingham County
Company I - Merrimack County, Rockingham County, Hillsborough County and Grafton County
Company K - Rockingham County and Hillsborough County - AGR roster, page 296. Roster Unassigned Recruits

For Additional Research