New Hampshire 15TH Infantry Regiment

The 15th New Hampshire Infantry was organized in Concord, New Hampshire, October 6–16, 1862, and mustered in for nine months' service.

The regiment left New Hampshire for New York City November 13, 1862; then sailed for New Orleans, Louisiana, December 19, arriving December 26.

The 15th New Hampshire Infantry mustered out of service August 13, 1863, at Concord, New Hampshire.

The regiment lost a total of 161 men during service; 27 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded, 134 enlisted men died of disease.
  • Colonel John W. Kingman.
    attached to Sherman's Division, Department of the Gulf, to January 1863. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, XIX Corps, Army of the Gulf, to July 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, XIX Corps, to August 1863. Moved from Carrollton to Camp Parapet, Louisiana, January 28, 1863, and served duty there until May. Moved to Springfield Landing May 20–22. Siege of Port Hudson, La., May 27-July 9. Assaults on Port Hudson May 27 and June 14. Surrender of Port Hudson July 9. Moved to Concord, New Hampshire, July 26-August 8. SERVICE:
  • Siege of Port Hudson
    The composite rosters of this unit contains the names of 917 men.

  • Company A - Belknap County
  • Company B - Grafton County
  • Company C - Grafton County
  • Company D - Rockingham County, Merrimack County and Strafford County
  • Company E - Hillsborough County and Rockingham County
  • Company F - Grafton County, Merrimack County and Sullivan County
  • Company G - Merrimack County, Belknap County and Strafford County
  • Company H - Belknap County, Rockingham County, Grafton County and Cheshire County
  • Company I - Strafford County and Rockingham County
  • Company K - Rockingham County

    For Additional Research