Maine 1st Battalion Sharpshooters

The 1st Battalion, Sharpshooters, Maine Infantry was organized at Augusta, October 27 to December 29, 1864 by former Co. D 2nd USSS captain Jacob McClure who began petitioning the governor of Maine for a commission as Major so he could raise a Maine sharpshooter battalion. McClure did this while he was home recovering from a wound received at Gettysburg. This unit is sometimes referred to as a regiment, although it was not full regimental force.

Both McClure and the governor of Maine essentially went above the heads of the War Department in Washington. McClure and company officers recruited almost 600 men, mustered them in, etc., and went to City Point (2 companies) and Boston (4 companies) while waiting fora field assignment. After he requested a field assignment for the battalion,the War Dept. investigated and learned that there was no Federal authority to raise the organization. They insisted that McClure be dismissed and that his commission in the battalion was invalid. The discharge also meant the war department determined that the battalion itself was unauthorized but they still held the men to their 18-month enlistments which no doubt contributed to over 150 desertions, or nearly 30-35% of men available for immediate duty. The Duties served at City Point were primarily drill and guard duty. The extreme desertion rate could likely also have contributed to this. Captain Geo Abbot took command of the battalion for the duration of the war.

The Battalion lost during service 7 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 12 Enlisted men by disease. Total 19.
  • Capt. Jacob McClure. He was later dismissed from the service due to complications regarding his rights to raise the battalion.
  • Capt. Captain Geo Abbot
    Companies "A" and "B" left State for City Point, Va., November 12, 1864. Assigned to duty at that point until January, 1865. Company "C" organized November 29, 1864. Moved to Galloupe's Island, Boston Harbor, thence moved to City Point, Va., January 1-5, 1865. Company "D" organized December 2. Company "E" organized November 28, and Company "F" organized December 29, 1864, all moved to City Point, Va., and Joined other Companies. Ordered to Petersburg front and attached to 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, Army Potomac, January to June, 1865. SERVICE:
    Siege of Petersburg January 5 to April 2, 1865. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7. Fort Fisher, Petersburg, March 25. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. White Oak Road March 29. Quaker Road March 30. Boydton Road March 30-31. Five Forks April 1. Amelia C. H. April 5. High Bridge April 6. Appomattox C. H. April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Moved to Washington, D.C., May 2-12. Grand Review May 23 Transferred to 20th Maine Infantry June 21, 1865. ROSTERS:

    The composite rosters of this unit contain the names of 704 men.

  • Company A -
  • Company B -
  • Company C - Organized 29 Nov 1864
  • Company D - Organized 2 Dec 1864
  • Company E - Organized 28 Nov 1864
  • Company F - Organized 29 Dec 1864
    Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. Vol. 2. Cartersville, GA: Eastern Digital Resources, 1998. Ref. See p. 1222 (1 photocopied page) for a concise summary of the regiment's service.

    Edwards, Abial H. "Dear Friend Anna": The Civil War Letters of a Common Soldier From Maine. Orono, ME: U ME, 1992. 161 p. E601E38.

    Maine. AGO. Annual Report...for the Years 1864 and 1865. Augusta, ME: Stevens & Sayward, 1866. Cartersville, GA: Eastern Digital Resources, 2010. UA43M2.1864-1865.AppD. See pp. 379-86 (5 photocopied pages) for a roster of the regiment. Although regimental rosters appear in earlier Annual Reports, that found in this edition is the most complete for the unit's wartime service.

    Whitman, William W.S. Maine in the War for the Union: A History of the Part Borne by Maine Troops.... Lexington, ME: Nelson Dingley, 1865. Cartersville, GA: Eastern Digital Resources, 2010. E511W61. See pp. 225-60 (19 photocopied pages) for a brief history of the regiment.

    Dyer, Frederick H. - A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion
    The Union Army by Federal Publishing Company, 1908 - Volume 1

    For Additional Research