3rd Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Louisiana Militia

Historical Notes
The 3rd Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Louisiana Militia appears on only one undated roll. If (note that's a big 'if') they did anything at all it would have been police duty in the city of New Orleans and/or burn cotton on the approach of the Federal fleet April 25, 1862. When the brigade (four regiments) was called out for inspection on March 3, 1862, only 468 showed up out of over 2,000 subject to militia duty. Officers

The roster of this unit contains the names of 156 men.

  • Company A
  • Company B
  • Company C
  • Company D
  • Company E
  • Company F
  • Company G
  • Company H
  • Company I
  • Company J
  • Company K
  • Bibliography for Research:

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