11th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry

HISTORICAL NOTES: The Eleventh Regiment of Kansas Volunteers was raised in response to the call of the President of July--, 1862--following the reverses of McClellan before Richmond--for 300,000 volunteers for "three years or during the war".

It was a time of great gloom and despondency. The State had already furnished ten regiments to the Union army from its sparse population. The footloose men were all gone. There remained only the men of families, farmers and mechanics, all poor and mostly but just fairly getting a firm foothold in the state of their adoption. Several of the counties of the district were but recently organized, and all, but one, were thinly populated. Threatened with invasion from their old enemies, the Border Ruffians of Missouri, the disloyal Indians of the Cherokee and Creek nations on the southern border, and by the wild Indians of the Plains from the West, the people of Kansas felt that to defend their own soil would be the full measure of all just claims the Government could have upon them.

When I compare their service and sacrifice with thousands of others who left well-provided families and received high recompense in pay and honors, I feel how partial is the distribution of human favors, and how the great rewards for patriotic effort must at last be dispensed by Him who alone knows all the sacrifices and motives of men.
The rosters of this unit contains the name of 1923 men.

Company A - Calhoun County
Company B - Branch County
Company C - Oakland County
Company D - Macomb County
Company E - Lapeer County
Company F - Allegan County and Kalamazoo County
Company G - Macomb County and Jackson County
Company H - St. Clair County
Company I - Wayne County
Company K - Macomb County and Oakland County
Company L - St. Clair County
Company M - Branch County
Unassigned Company - Jackson County

REF: Dyer, Frederick H., A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion