1st Kansas Battery Light Artillery

The 1st Kansas Battery Light Artillery organized at Mound City July 24, 1861. Regiment lost during service 2 Enlisted men killed and 1 Officer and 23 Enlisted men by disease. Total 26. ASSIGNMENTS:
Attached to Dept. of Kansas to August, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Dept. of Kansas, to October, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. Missouri, to February, 1863. District of Rolla, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of Columbus, Ky., 6th Division, 16th Army Corps, Dept. Tennessee, to November, 1863. Defenses of the Nashville & Northwestern Railroad, District of Nashville, Dept. of the Cumberland, and 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 20th Army Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland, to November, 1864. 2nd Colored Brigade, District of the Etowah, Dept. Cumberland, to January, 1865. Reserve Artillery, District of Nashville, Dept. Cumberland, to July, 1865. SERVICE:
Attached to Lane's Kansas Brigade and operations about Fort Scott, and on line of the Marmiton August and September, 1861. Actions at Ball's Mills August 28. Morse's Mill August 29. Dogwood Creek near Fort Scott September 2. Morristown September 17. Osceola September 21-22. Duty at Fort Scott until May, 1862. Expedition into Indian Country May 25-August 15. Action at Grand River June 6. Locust Grove July 3. Bayou Bernard July 27. Blunt's Campaign in Missouri and Arkansas September 17-December 3. Expedition to Sarcoxie September 28-30, Action at Newtonia September 29-30. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. Old Fort Wayne or Beattie's Prairie near Maysville October 22. Cane Hill November 28. Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., December 7. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren December 27-31. Moved to Springfield, Mo., January, 1863, and duty there until February 17. Moved to Forsyth, Mo., thence to Fort Scott, Kansas. Duty in Missouri and Kansas, District of Rolla, until July, 1863. Ordered to St. Louis, Mo., July 5, thence to Cairo, Ill., July 18. Duty in District of Columbus, Ky., until November. Ordered to Nashville, Tenn., and assigned to duty on line of the Nashville & Northwestern Railroad until November, 1864. Moved to Nashville, Tenn. Battles of Nashville December 15-16. Post duty at Nashville until January, 1865, and at Chattanooga, Tenn., until July. Mustered out July 17, 1865. ROSTERS:
Men from Shawnee County enlisted in this Battery. The rosters of this unit contains the name of 333 men. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

REF: Dyer, Frederick H., A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion