Florida 2nd Infantry Regiment

Historical Notes HISTORICAL NOTES:
The Florida 2nd Infantry Regiment completed its organization at Jacksonville, Florida, in July, 1861. Its twelve companies contained men from Escambia, Columbia, Leon, Marion, Jackson, Alachua, St. Johns, Putnam, Hamilton, Nassau, and Madison counties. The regiment was soon ordered to Virginia and in April, 1862, had 530 effectives. It was unattached in the fight at Williamsburg and under the command of General Garland at Seven Pines. Later it was assigned to General Pryor's, E.A. Perry's, and Finegan's Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. The 2nd participated in many conflicts from the Seven Days' Battles to Cold Harbor, then was active in the Petersburg siege south of the James River and around Appomattox. This unit was organized with 1,185 officers and men, reported 23 killed and 114 wounded at Gaines’ Mill and Frayser's Farm, sustained 49 casualties during the Maryland Campaign, and had 3 killed and 29 wounded at Chancellorsville. At the Battle of Gettysburg it lost forty-two percent of the 242 engaged, and on April 9, 1865, it surrendered with 7 officers and 59 men Assignments OFFICERS:
Colonels Walter R. Moore, Edward A. Perry, Lewis G. Pyles, and George T. Ward, Lieutenant Colonel S. St. George Rogers, and Major G.W. Call. Service ASSIGNMENTS:
• Unattached, Army of the Peninsula (September 1861)

• Rains' Division, Army of the Peninsula (December 1861 - April 1862)

• Ward's Command, D. H. Hill's Division, Department of Northern Virginia (April - May 1862)

• Garland's Brigade, D. H. Hill's Division, Department of Northern Virginia (May - June 1862)

• Pryor's Brigade, Longstreet's Division, Army of Northern Virginia (June - July 1862)

• Pryor's Brigade, Longstreet's Division, 1st Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (July - September 1862)

• Pryor's-Perry's Brigade, Anderson's Division, 1st Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (September 1862 - May 1863)

• Pryor's-Finegan's Brigade, Anderson's-Mahone's Division, 3rd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (May 1863 - April 1865)

Service BATTLES:
• Yorktown Siege (April - May 1862)

• Williamsburg (May 5, 1862)

• Seven Pines (May 31 - June 1, 1862)

• Seven Days Battles (June 25 - July 1, 1862)

o Beaver Dam Creek (June 26, 1862)

o Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862)

o Frayser's Farm (June 30, 1862)

• 2nd Bull Run (August 28-30, 1862)

• Antietam (September 17, 1862)

• Fredericksburg (December 13, 1862)

• Chancellorsville (May 1-4, 1863)

• Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863)

• Bristoe Campaign (October 1863)

• Mine Run Campaign (November - December 1863)

• The Wilderness (May 5-6, 1864)

• Spotsylvania Court House (May 8-21, 1864)

• North Anna (May 22-26, 1864)

• Cold Harbor (June 1-3, 1864)

• Petersburg Siege (June 1864 - April 1865)

• Weldon Railroad (June 23, 1864)

• Ream's Station (June 30, 1864)

• Weldon Railroad (August 21, 1864)

• Bellfield (December 9, 1864)

• Hatcher's Run (February 5-7, 1865)

• Farmville(April 7, 1865)

• Appomattox Court House (April 9, 1865

The composite rosters of this unit contains the names of 2194 men.

Company A. - Pensacola Rifle Rangers – Capt. L. G. Pyles

Company B. - Alachua Guards, Alachua county Capt. Lew Williams

Company C. - Columbia Rifles, Columbia county Capt. Walter R. Moore

Company D. - Leon Rifles, Leon county Capt. T. W. Brevard, Jr.

Company E. - Hammock Guards, Marion county Capt. John D. Hopkins

Company F. - Gulf State Guards, Jackson county Capt. James F. McClellan

Company G. - St. Johns Greys, St. Johns county, Capt. J. J. Daniels

Company H. - St. Augustine Rifles, Putnam county Capt. John W. Starke

Company I. - Hamilton Blues, Hamilton county Capt. Henry J. Steward

Company K. - Davis Guards, Nassau county, Capt. George W. Call

Company L. - Madison Rangers, Madison county, Capt. W. P. Pillans.

Company M. – Howell Guards, Capt. George W. Parkhill


For Additional Research