Florida 1st Regiment Infantry

The ten companies of the First Florida regiment of infantry were commanded by Captains A. Perry Amaker, Tallahassee; Wm. E. Cropp, Apalachicola; B. W. Powell, Micanopy; R. B. Hilton, Tallahassee; H. Hyer Baker, Jackson county; Richard Bradford, Madison county; John H. Gee, Gadsden county; T. Jeff Myers, Gainesville; Thompson B. Lamar, Jefferson county; A. H. Wright, Pensacola.

The regiment was mustered into the Confederate States service at Chattahoochee arsenal April 5, 1861, electing for field officers James Patton Anderson, of Jefferson county, colonel; Wm. H. Beard, of Tallahassee, lieutenant-colonel, and Thaddeus A. McDonell, of Gainesville, major. They were ordered to proceed to Pensacola, and on the 12th of April reached that place and reported to General Bragg. Early in the fall of 1861, they were engaged in the battle on Santa Rosa Island, in which Capt Richard Bradford was killed. In the spring of 1862, Colonel Anderson was promoted to brigadier-general. The regiment having served one year at Pensacola, a sufficient number re-enlisted to organize six companies. General Anderson being assigned to the command of a brigade of infantry in the division of General Ruggles, then at Corinth, Miss., the re-enlisted battalion was added to it and was engaged in the battle of Shiloh. In his report of that battle General Anderson said: "Maj. T. A. McDonell, commanding the Florida battalion, was borne wounded from the field before the action had fairly begun. The command devolved upon Capt. W. G. Poole, who bore himself most gallantly throughout the two days' conflict. The skill with which he handled his command reflected the highest credit upon him as an officer, while the desperation with which his troops fought brings new luster to the arms of the State they represented, and paints imperishable fame upon the colors they so proudly bore." Captain Poole reported that Lieut. L. M. Anderson, commanding Company A, was shot in the forehead and instantly killed, and his successor, Lieut. E. C. Stevens, was soon severely wounded. Capt. T. S. Means, Lieuts. J. T. Miller, Tucker, and O. P. Hull were wounded, the last mortally.

Anderson, James Patton - Colonel
Beard, William H. - Lieutenant Colonel
McDonell, Thaddeus A. - Major

Brig. Gen.
James Patton Anderson
Santa Rosa - Fall 1861
Shiloh - 07-08 APR 1862
The composite rosters of this unit contains the names of 2221 men. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

For Additional Research