Washington, DC 4th Battalion, Infantry (3 months, 1861)

Historical Notes HISTORICAL NOTES:
  • Article on this unit.

  • Another article
  • Assignments OFFICERS:
    First Lieutenant J R Smead, 2nd United States Artillery, was appointed captain, National Rifles, on 20 March, 1861, and captain, 5th United States Artillery, by General Orders No.65, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., at Camp No.5, in the vicinity of Poolesville, Montgomery County, Maryland, on 23 August, 1861, dated 1 July, 1861. Acting Major & Captain J R Smead, National Rifles, was stationed at Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, on 17 July, 1861, and resigned on 29 July, 1861.
    Service SERVICE:
    Company A was assigned to guard duty on board the steamer St Nicholas and at the Telegraph Office, Washington, D. C., on 19 April, 1861 ROSTERS:
    The composite rosters of this unit contains the names of 284 men. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

    For Additional Research