15th Confederate Cavalry

The 15th Confederate Cavalry regiment was organized at le in the spring of 1864, and made up of companies which had picketed the coast for two or three years. It was made by consolidating the five-company 3rd Florida Cavalry Battalion and five Alabama independent cavalry companies. It remained in the vicinity of le till the fall, when it moved into Louisiana, and was engaged in a brilliant affair at Tunica. The Fifteenth also made head against Smith's army, with small loss.A detachment was captured in the fight at Claiborne on April 17, 1865, and the remaining force at Demopolis on April 30. The regiment disbanded at the downfall of the Confederacy, except two or three companies, which were paroled at Demopolis. OFFICERS:
  • Colonels -- Harry Maury of le.
  • Lieut. Colonels -- Thomas J. Myers of Florida.
  • Majors -- Robert Partridge of Florida.
  • Adjutants -- Wm. R. Jordan of Florida.
    Quarles', Reynold's, Page's, I. W. Patton's, Liddell's, R. McCulloch's, and H. Maury's command. SERVICE:
    Tunica Claiborne Demapolis ROSTER:
    The roster of this regiment contains the names of 618 men.

  • le -- John H. Marshall; wounded and captured at Mississippi City.
  • le -- Wm. Cottrill; resigned. E. T. Arrington.
  • le -- J. E. Murrell.
  • Baldwin -- T. C. Barlow.
  • Chocta -- John McKellar.
  • [The other five companies were from Florida.]

  • For Additional Research